Philadelphia Historical Commission Database
of designated properties in the City of Philadelphia

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From here you can search the database. The results of your search will be returned as a "hit list."

The PHC database contains 9450 records of buildings and historic sites in Philadelphia. The information for each property includes relevant dates, architects, builders, building use(s), facade materials, local and national historic designations, which years photographs were taken for the Historical Commission, and more. The entries are current up to 1986, and contain virtually all of the city of Philadelphia. Most notably, the database does not include properties in Fairmount Park. It is, however, extremely useful for finding a variety of introductory information about local properties in most city neighborhoods.

Philadelphia Historical Commission

1515 Arch Street
13th Floor
Philadelphia, PA

(215) 683-4590

last rev. = 9 Sept. 03 jc