1 January 1852. A clear and beautiful day, and atmosphere like that of spring. Nurse Edwards, who nursed Ida, dined with us today. After dinner smoked a cigar, and then called down to see Algernon Roberts at Mrs. Strouds. He has been sick for about two weeks.

4 January 1852. At Church of Atonement during the morning. Mr. Goddard preached a sermon on behalf of the Sunday School.

5 January 1852. At the office all day, and in the evening Mr. Maginnis, Lydia, Carrie and I called to see Miss Lizzy Penn-Gaskell, being our first visit, though I formerly visited her before I was married. Spent a very stiff evening as Miss Lizzie appeared to be very much engrossed by Mr. Tiffany who was spending the evening with her. We however had some very good playing and singing from Miss Penn-Gaskell.

6 January 1852. At the office all day and in the evening at home, but was unable to read or write on account of Ida having hurt my eye by accidentally putting her finger in it while playing on the bed early this morning. It was very painful throughout the day.

9 January 1852. During the evening had a fall of snow.

11 January 1852. At Church of Atonement in the morning and afternoon. Mr. Goddard preached in the morning, giving us a very fiery sermon that did not please his congregation. Mr. Luddards gave us a very mild and beautiful sermon in the afternoon contrasting greatly with that of Mr. Goddard's in the morning. Samuel Bonnell, Jr. of Wilkes-Barre was at Church with us in the afternoon, took tea and spent the afternoon and the evening. He arrived in the City a few days since.

12 January 1852. In the evening Lehman & Percival Roberts and myself went down to the Arch Street theater to see McAllister the great magician. Most of his tricks are very wonderful, and he has some of the most beautiful pieces of mechanism that I ever saw, one of which is called his "Chinese Confectioner," a small Chinese house, from which two Chinese figures issue at call and bring any kind of liquor or sweetmeats the audience may call for. He also had a very amusing & interesting figure called his harlequin. Out about 10 went around to Prossers, got an oyster supper and then went home.

13 January 1852. Stopped up to see Mrs. Vincent Smith at her house in 8th Street below Wallace, found her at home and well. This was my first visit in her own house since her marriage. Sat about 20 minutes, and then went up to Carlisle Street above Brown to collect some ground rent from Mr. Armington. Found him but got no money; promised to pay in about a week.

16 January 1852. At the office during the morning but in the afternoon remained at home having a severe cold. Reverend Mr. James E. Welch of Missouri, father of my old friend James C. Welch, deceased, took tea and spent the night with us.

18 January 1852. A snow storm of unusual severity commenced at an early hour this morning, and continued without intermission throughout the entire day and evening accompanied by an incessant gale which whirled the snow in wild eddies through the air, depositing it in deep drifts in many places, while sweeping others entirely bare. In all the alleys, lanes and by ways of the city bounded by high walls, where the wind had not free play, the snow accumulated in great quantities. We have not had so deep a snow for some years past, and the storm has had a very extensive range. All the avenues of travel are blocked up, and communication with the neighboring cities rendered very difficult. The rail road line between this City and New York is so much obstructed, that the mail pilot line from the latter place, which was due last evening, had not arrived at one o'clock this morning.

This is the most severe winter we have had for some years. The Schuylkill River has been closed for some weeks as well as the Delaware River a short distance above the City, and one day last week it was closed opposite Race Street so that persons were skating on it. Having a bad cold and the weather so unpleasant out of doors I did not get up until 1/2 past 11 a.m. Remained in the house the remainder of the day and night.

19 January 1852. The sleighing is excellent, and everyone seemed to take advantage of it.

20 January 1852. Clear and extremely cold, the thermometer in many places in the City was 8� below zero. About 5 p.m. walked down to the Delaware River with Mr. England. It is frozen quite over, and many persons are upon it, skating and walking. I do not think the River has been closed opposite to the City for over 11 years, before or since 1840.

We had another bad fire last night at S.E. corner of Delaware 7th and Market Streets which burned out a large clothing store. This makes the 4th bad fire within 3 squares, and within about 4 weeks.

21 January 1852. At the office the greater part of the day. Just as I was leaving the house after dinner to go to the office, Cousin Elizabeth Roberts and her daughter Fanny called to take Ma, Lydia & Carrie out sleighing. Lydia not being able to go on account of a cold, I got in and rode around for about an hour, and then got them to leave me at 5th and Chestnut Streets when I went to the office.

In the evening went around to the Building Association. It was the annual election night for officers for the ensuing year. There was but little opposition, and the regular ticket was elected, which I suppose will insure my reelection for another year as Conveyancer.

22 January 1852. The river is still frozen over and hundreds of persons crossing it. Edward P. Borden(1) was married this morning at 1/2 past 8 in St. Andrew's Church to Cecilia Erwin. Our family was invited to the wedding, but it being at so early an hour in the morning did not go.

23 January 1852. The sleighing still continues to be good.

24 January 1852. Clear and quite mild and pleasant to what it has been for the past week. We had considerable of a thaw today. At the office during the morning and in the afternoon Mr. J.D. Bald and I went down to the Delaware to take a skate. We went on at Market Street and walked up as far as Brownings Ferry (Poplar Street) and then had to go on shore and walk around a passage that had been cut up for the ferry. The ice above the ferry was beautiful and smooth. We skated nearly up to Richmond, across to Coopers point and had a very pleasant afternoon. I suppose there must have been 10,000 people upon the river today. It has been 12 years since the river was frozen opposite the City. I was skating upon it on the 25th of January, 1840, as appears by my journal.

25 January 1852. At Church of Atonement in the morning and afternoon. After Church walked down with Carrie to see Mr. Ware, who broke one of the blood vessels in his lung last Monday. He appears to be much better.

26 January 1852. The Girard House on Chestnut Street above 9th was open to the public today for the first time.

29 January 1852. Mrs. Sydney Roberts had a daughter today, her first child.


1 February 1852. At the Church of Atonement in the morning.

2 February 1852. In the evening about 1/2 past 5 went down to the Sheriff's sale and bought in several properties for A. Ardley. Left at about 7 o'clock and went up to the Columbia House, where I met Harry Storms and also saw the Indian Chiefs & Squaws who are staying there. Storms and I went together up to the Walnut Street Theater to see the comedy Extremes which is a very good piece. The farce of Two Bonny Castles was very amusing and well played. After leaving the theater went down with Storms to his hotel and got supper and then up home.

5 February 1852. Evening Ma, Lydia, Mr. Maginnis, Carrie & myself went down to a small company given by Mr. & Mrs. A.C. Cattell. Spent quite a pleasant evening there. Met Miss Egner, a very interesting young lady who sings and plays delightfully. Had a very nice oyster supper.

6 February 1852. At the office all day and in the evening went around to a special meeting of the Logan Building Association to report in regard to the title of James Langan.

8 February 1852. At the Church of the Atonement morning and afternoon. Ida had on her short dresses for the first time today, and is now cutting three of her upper teeth, having cut her two wider ones some three months ago.

10 February 1852. Ma, Lydia, Carrie & myself went around to Mr. C. Boker's to tea by invitation. Met there Judge Conrad(2) & his daughter, who sings beautifully.

11 February 1852. The atmosphere was quite spring like, causing the ice to disappear rapidly.

12 February 1852. In the evening went with Carrie to a company given by Mr. & Mrs. N.T. Clapp, there were about 30 or 40 there composed of the Roberts family, Burroughs and Mitchells. Spent a pleasant evening, had a very fine supper at about 11.

15 February 1852. About tea time Ida commenced crying very much and would not be pacified, Carrie took her up to put her to bed and, upon undressing her, she noticed a slight puncture in the leg just above the knee which lead us to suppose that she had a needle in her leg. She seemed to suffer a good deal and was very fretful all night. I went down to Dr. Goddards but was unable to find him in. I then went over to hear Mr. Furnace after which went back to the Doctor's and after waiting some half an hour he came in, when he told me he could do nothing tonight, but could be up early in the morning.

16 February 1852. Dr. Goddard came up this morning and took from Ida's leg, just above the knee, a needle about an inch long which had been embedded entirely in the flesh. She bore it very well & was quite lively as soon as the operation was over.

18 February 1852. At the office all day, and in the evening went around to the Building Association, remained until around 1/2 past 9.

20 February 1852. In the evening went to the Chestnut Street Theater with Percival Roberts to see Madame Ann Hillar play Marie in the opera of the Child of the Regiment. Her singing was tolerable. The farce of the Irish Secretary, in which Hudson sustained the principal character, was excellent. We did not wait to see the after piece. The house was crowded by a tolerable fashionable audience. Left at about 1/2 past 10, stopped at Broad Street exchange and got some oysters on the way home.

21 February 1852. Cloudy all day with a fall of snow in the afternoon, and rain during the night which caused considerable sleet. At the office during the morning & in the afternoon went over in West Philadelphia to look at a property, after which went up the Schuylkill to above the canal, with the intention of taking a skate. But, as it was very poor on account of snow, I merely skated across the dam to Fairmount & returned home. The Schuylkill River has been frozen all winter, and is still closed above & below the dam.

22 February 1852. At Church of Atonement in the morning.

25 February 1852. Clear and spring like weather.

27 February 1852. After dinner went out on Sharswood Street (1st below Jefferson) between Schuylkill Front and 2nd Streets to look at some houses. There has been great improvement in this neighborhood since I was last out.

28 February 1852. The ground was again covered with snow this morning to the depth of about an inch, it soon commenced to rain.

29 February 1852. It cleared off during the night, and blew tremendous hard, at times I thought it would almost blow the house down.


1 March 1852. Went to bed at 9 o'clock feeling very unwell from a bad headache.

3 March 1852. At the office all day, and in the evening went to a company with Carrie, Ma and Lydia, given by Miss Mary Cuthbert to her brother who has recently married Miss Rebecca Waterman. There were about 40 there. Spent a pleasant evening and left 1/2 past 11. Had a very fine oyster supper at about 10. The company was composed principally of the family.

4 March 1852. About noon clouded over and at about 3 commenced snowing which continued to fall with much violence up to a late hour in the night.

5 March 1852. The ground was covered to a depth of several inches with snow this morning, but a great portion of it rapidly disappeared in the course of the day causing very bad walking. At the office all day. After tea went to see Reverend K. Goddard upon some business.

7 March 1852. At Church of Atonement in the morning and afternoon, Mr. Goddard preached. In the afternoon Samuel Bonnell accompanied us to church.

9 March 1852. The weather was oppressively warm today.

10 March 1852. Evening went to a party with Ma, Lydia, Mr. Maginnis and Carrie given by Mr. & Mrs. A.S. Roberts for Mr. & Mrs. Allen Cuthbert (late Miss Rebecca Waterman), recently married. There were about 50 there, had a very fine supper of oysters, ice cream, champagne, &c. at about 11.

11 March 1852. At the office all day and after tea walked down to Mrs. Brown's, the milliner, with Carrie. From there went with her to see the dress maker Ellen Larkey. We then called upon Roberts in 9th Street for Ma, who had taken tea there.

12 March 1852. In the evening went to see Mr. Goddard and Miss Lackey on business.

14 March 1852. In the afternoon had a very heavy shower of rain accompanied with thunder and lightning. At Church of Atonement in the morning.

16 March 1852. A clear and magnificent day. Ma & Lydia went down to Thurlows about 2 miles below Chester to try and secure board. Then returned about 5 p.m. without finally accomplishing the object.

17 March 1852. To day was St. Patrick's day, and true to its immemorial usages, was as remarkable and characteristic as the patron Saint himself. Horizontally, and perpendicularly, it was a genuine Irish day - rain early in the morning, hail, sleet and stiff sheets of wind at noon day - snow in the afternoon, and plenty of slush to wade through in the evening. About 8 o clock went over to the Building Association.

21 March 1852. At Church of Atonement morning and evening. Dr. Goddard preached both times. Afternoon took a walk.

23 March 1852. At the office all day until about 4 p.m. when I went out with Carrie to several places, and after leaving her in a store went over in West Philadelphia, went to see Ephraim Stenchfield upon some business. Returned home about 1/4 of 6, and in the evening went down to see Mrs. Sinclair (late Mrs. Forrest, lately divorced from her husband Edward Forrest) play Lady Teazel, being her 2nd appearance in this City. She performed at the Chestnut Street Theater. I was not at all pleased with her acting though she is a beautiful woman, commanding and ladylike in her appearance, her voice is very poor, and she appears to be ill at ease upon the stage. Her personification of the character was not that of Lady Teazel, but simply as Mrs. Sinclair would appear in her own drawing room. Charles Surface was played admirably by George Vandenhuff. The farce of Forty and Fifty was pretty good and tolerably well played.

25 March 1852. In the evening Carrie, Ma, Lydia, Mr. Maginnis & myself went to a small company given by Mr. & Mrs. John H. Chambers, there were about 20 there.

26 March 1852. The thermometer was within one degree of summer heat. In the evening at home until about 9 o'clock when I went down with Clinton Kirby to James Hotel, as he leaves for home this evening. He lives near Cincinnati, Ohio and made us a very unexpected visit. He has been up at the Balliston, New York, Law School all winter.

28 March 1852. At Church of Atonement in the morning with Carrie. Afternoon took a walk with Carrie down as far as the Naval Asylum. On our return home found Samuel Bonnell there who had returned from Church, having gone with Ma. We then went out to take a walk.


4 April 1852. At about 2 p.m. commenced snowing, which continued at intervals through the afternoon and evening. At Church of Atonement in the morning.

5 April 1852. The ground was covered to a depth of several inches with snow when I got up this morning and the snow continued to fall throughout the day until towards night when we had a heavy shower of rain accompanied by sharp thunder and lightning and heavy claps of thunder. If the snow had continued to lay, I have no doubt we should have had a fall of over 6 inches. As it was it was over 3. This day would certainly have done credit to January.

6 April 1852. It was still snowing when I got up this morning.

7 April 1852. Clear and delightful spring like weather.

9 April 1852. The house tops were again covered with snow early this morning.

11 April 1852. At Church of Atonement morning and afternoon.

13 April 1852. At the office all day until about 7 p.m., then went over to the Columbia House to meet Harry Storms by appointment. He came in about 20 m. past 7. Took tea with him, and expected his company to the theater with me, but he was unable to go. After leaving him went in to see Murdock (at the Chestnut Street theater) play Evelyn in the Comedy of Money. He played well and was tolerably well sustained. He also played Dick Doshall in the farce of My Aunt which was laughable & well played.

14 April 1852. At the office all day and in the evening took Carrie & Ma to the German concert at the Musical Fund Hall. The house was quite full and a very respectable audience. The music was superb.

16 April 1852. At the office all day, and in the evening until 10 o'clock.

17 April 1852. At the office all day until about 6 p.m. when Carrie stopped for me, and I shopped with her on the way up home, a very tiresome operation.

18 April 1852. A cold, raw, damp and disagreeable day. Evening cold rain, blew tremendous hard throughout the day and night. At Church of Atonement in the morning. Mr. Clemson, from West Chester, preached. Harry Storms took dinner with me to day. About 1/2 past 3 started out to take a walk. First called up to see Miss Louisa Snyder and Miss Mary Ann Smith from Reading. Saw Miss Snyder but not Miss Smith, excuse was "writing to grandmother and would be down directly." After waiting about half an hour we thought we had given the lady long enough and left without seeing her which I think will be my last call upon her. I called down to see Mrs. Vincent (late Kate) Smith while Harry called on a sick friend with the understanding he would call for me. Found both Mr. & Mrs. Smith at home and well. In a few minutes the tea bell rang as I found they were not disposed to leave without me. I went in and took a cup of coffee While sitting at tea Harry Storms came in and joined us.

21 April 1852. At the office all day and in the evening after tea went over to see Miss Ann M. Lackey upon some business. Remained a short time and then went over to the Building Association where I remained until about 1/2 past 9.

24 April 1852. At the office all day until about 6 p.m., then took a walk up Chestnut Street, where I met N.K. Davis and he went up with me to tea after which I went down with him to his room in 4th above Spruce, No 118, where I met Mr. McKinley and Mr. Barnes. Sat there smoking until about 1/2 past 10. We drank a bottle of champagne and I went up home.

25 April 1852. At Church of Atonement in the morning and afternoon. Mr. Goddard preached both times. After church took a walk with Carrie as far as 13th and Walnut Streets, and then returned home, got tea, and then Carrie and I called down to see Cousin [Roberts] in 9th Street.

26 April 1852. In the evening had a heavy shower of rain accompanied by thunder and lightning.

27 April 1852. Miss Mary Williams of Cincinnati, Ohio, arrived to day at our house from Honesdale, Pennsylvania. She intends remaining with us until Carrie and Ida go out West, or to Cincinnati, when she will accompany them.

28 April 1852. At the recorder's office the greater part of the day.

29 April 1852. At the recorder's office the principal part of the day.

30 April 1852. In the evening went to the Walnut Street Theater with Percival Roberts to see Miss Charlotte Cushman as Augusta de Bremont in the Bankers Wife and as Satisbee, an actress, in the Actress of Padua. She performed admirably in both pieces. It was her benefit and last appearance but one before retiring from the stage.


1 May 1852. Cloudy in the morning, cold and with appearance of rain. About 2 1/2 p.m. cleared off beautifully, and warm, and redeemed the character of the May Day.

2 May 1852. At the Church of Atonement in the morning, a stranger preached. Afternoon at home, and in the evening went down to the Reverend Mr. Wadsworth's Church(3) in Arch above 10th Street with Carrie and Miss Mary Williams. Heard a beautiful and stunning sermon from Mr. Wadsworth. He preached about an hour and a quarter.

3 May 1852. At the office in the morning until about 10 o'clock, then went up home to see the Firemen's traditional procession, which was a magnificent affair.

4 May 1852. In the afternoon took Carrie and Miss Williams out to Girard College. Went all through the buildings, dormitories, wash rooms, eating rooms, &c. Saw the furniture, clothes, account books, and various other relics of the late Stephen Girard. Got home about 1/2 past 6. Found Miss Julie Graff there.

5 May 1852. At the office all day and in the evening Harry Storms, Miss Mary Williams, Carrie and I went down to the Chestnut Street Theater to see Miss Davenport play Charlotte Corday & also Louisa Lovetrick in The Dead Shot. She played admirably in both pieces, and was well supported.

6 May 1852. Our little Ida was quite sick with fever and drowsiness last night, and was very unwell all day so that I went for Dr. Goddard. He seems to think it may prove to be measles though he cannot tell. This is her first spell of sickness. Up at 1/4 of 6 a.m. and to bed at about 11, but not to sleep as Ida was so very restive and cried continually. I remained until about 1 a.m. when I went up for Ma who remained with her the rest of the night, together with Carrie.

7 May 1852. Ida appears better this evening, and sleeps more.

8 May 1852. In the afternoon Carrie, Mr. Harry C. Storms, and Miss Mary Williams and myself went out to Fairmount and then took the boat up to Laurel Hill where we spent an hour rambling through the grounds. We had a pleasant trip down the Schuylkill. Upon our return took a stroll around Fairmount, upon the basins, &c.

9 May 1852. At home during the morning taking a nap, having been up considerably with Ida during the night, she appears rather better to day in spirits, though covered with the measles. Afternoon at Church of Atonement with Ma. Carrie remained at home all day with Ida.

10 May 1852. In the evening at home writing a letter to father Borden. Ida appears quite smart again to day though I feel very unwell myself.

13 May 1852. In the evening Carrie, Ma, Lydia, Mr. Maginnis, Miss Mary Williams of Cincinnati & myself went down to see Dr. Valentine at the Musical Fund Hall, were very much amused and entertained at his drolleries.

14 May 1852(4) . Harry C. Storms spent part of the evening with us. He leaves for the West tomorrow morning and is to meet Carrie and Miss Williams at Harrisburg on Wednesday morning next to take them to Cincinnati.

16 May 1852. At Church of Atonement(5) in the morning & evening. Afternoon Carrie and I took Miss Williams to see St. Mark's Church,(6) and from there went down to St. Stephen's(7) to see the tomb of Mr. Burd.(8) We also remained during service but did not hear Dr. Duchachet.

18 May 1852. At the office during the morning and until about 3 p.m. when Carrie called for me and we went down and got some mineral water & then home, getting our dinner about 4. Remained home after dinner except for a short time occupied in going to William Hanleys for some cologne and in going around to Schuylkill 5th & Vine Streets to put a bell on a house. Evening at home until about 10 o'clock when Barney, the cab man, called to convey Carrie, Ida, Miss Williams & myself to the depot at Broad & Market to start for the West. Mr. Maginnis accompanied us. Carrie, Ida & Miss Williams are to go to Cincinnati, but I am only to accompany them to Harrisburg where they are to meet Mr. H.C. Storms who is to accompany them the rest of the way. We started at 1/4 of 11 for Harrisburg & the west.

19 May 1852. We arrived safely at Harrisburg this morning at about 20 m. of 5, after as pleasant a ride as could be expected for a night trip. Ida behaved very well and cried but very little. She was wide awake several times during the night, and when they woke her up on our arrival at Harrisburg was not cross but laughing and pleasant. Mr. Storms was awaiting our arrival at Harrisburg according to appointment. They changed cars and I had soon to bid my dear wife and child farewell as the cars did not remain but about 10 minutes. May God grant them a safe and quick passage. Upon the cars starting I went up to Herrs Hotel and at about 6 got a tolerable breakfast. And at 1/4 of 7 left Harrisburg again for Philadelphia where I arrived at about 1/4 of 1, after a very pleasant but fatiguing trip. Upon my arrival home it seemed quite deserted without Carrie and Ida. I can hardly realize they are gone and I feel very lonely without them. Evening at home with the exception of about an hour I was at the Building Association.

21 May 1852. At the office all day. Took tea with Mr. O.W. Davis at the Washington house, and in the evening went to the Walnut Street Theater to see Murdock in De Soto, the Discoverer of the Mississippi. I did not think much of it except as a show piece; he was very good in the after piece, as Vapid in the Dramatist.

22 May 1852. At the office during the day until about 1/4 past 4 p.m. when Mr. J.D. Bald called for me to take a ride. He had his brother's pair of grays which are very fast. Drove out to the Wissahickon Hotel, where we met George Northrop and Samuel Babcock. Took a little row on the creek, and then drove in again, having a very pleasant ride. In the evening went down to the office expecting to find a letter from Mr. Storms at Pittsburgh informing me in regard to the movements of Carrie and Ida, but was disappointed, then went around to the barbers, got shaved, and then up home.

23 May 1852. At the Church of Atonement with Ma. Mr. Goddard preached. Afternoon at home until about 1/2 past 4, when I walked down to the Post Office expecting to get a letter but to my disappointment found the office closed.

24 May 1852. Had several very heavy showers of rain accompanied by vivid lightning and heavy thunder.

27 May 1852. About 4 p.m. J.D. Bald called for me with his pair of grays and drove down to Point Breeze. Stopped at Hamburg hotel for about 20 m., and then drove up to town again. We just got into town as it commenced raining. In the evening about 9 o'clock went down to Edward Bedlock's wedding in Spruce Street North side, 4 or 5 doors west of Broad. He married Miss Breband, who though not a very pretty girl, I am told is a very pleasant and agreeable and fine looking. The supper table was set in magnificent style and handsomely decorated with flowers so arranged as to divide among the guests. The entertainment was very fine. The company left at about 1/2 past 11, and the bride and groom leave for Niagara and other watering places in the morning.

30 May 1852. At the Church of Atonement in the morning and afternoon. After tea took a walk up as far as Broad & Poplar Streets. Passed the scene of the large fire last night at Schuylkill 8th & Hamilton Streets, a large sash manufactory, drug mill, &c. Mr. V. Smith went to New York this afternoon to meet his sick brother just returned from Portugal.


2 June 1852. At the office during the morning. About 1/2 past 1, went home to get an early dinner so as to go with Ma down to Thurlow's. After dinner the carman called and after seeing [him] load the articles I walked down to the new Baltimore Depot (not yet quite finished) and met the carman, had the things securely placed in the cars, and waited until Ma & Lydia came down in the omnibus. At 1/4 past 4 got started and after a pleasant ride of an hour arrived at Mrs. Thurlow's station two miles below Chester. The cars soon landed with our goods. We then walked up to the house, which is beautifully located in full view of the river. We were met by Mrs. Thurlow and her daughter, Mrs. McMullen, who are both very agreeable, the latter quite pretty. The house is clean & in perfect order, & everything indicates a perfect home for Ma and Lydia for the summer. I should like very much to spend some time myself there.

About 1/4 of 7 we had a very good supper, after which Mr. Howard (an Englishman) and I took a walk out to look at the cows and then down on to the bank of the river. Returned after a pleasant walk and went into the parlor where I sat conversing with Mrs. Thurlow's daughter, Mr. Howard, Ma & Lydia.

3 June 1852. About 4 p.m. it clouded over and we had one of the most terrific storms I ever witnessed of rain and hail. It blew a perfect hurricane, blowing down the trees in the different squares and twisting & snapping off the limbs of the largest trees like pipe stems. The storm was accompanied by very sharp lightning, and terrific claps of thunder. Several buildings were unroofed, and one or two houses struck by lightning.

I got up this morning at 1/4 past 5, and at a few minutes before 6 took breakfast, then walked up to the car station with Ma and Lydia. At about 20 m. of 7 the cars came along and, bidding farewell, I jumped in and by 1/2 past 7 was safely landed at Broad & Prune Streets after a very pleasant ride. I there took an omnibus and was soon at the office where I remained the rest of the day. I got a miserable dinner today at Pellitiers and took my tea at the Washington House, having made up my mind to take my meals there. About 1/4 past 7 met Andrew Cattell and Maginnis according to appointment. They were accompanied by Mr. Charles Egrier.

We all went up to the Walnut Street Theater to see Lola Montez play her own character as Countess of Lansfeldt in Bavaria. She was very well sustained and her performance was novel and pleasing though her voice was sharp and unmusical. The afterpiece of Caught In His Own Trap was very good and quite laughable. I met O. Wilson Davis at the theater by appointment, and he went up home with me, having made arrangements to sleep at our house during this summer while the family are out of town.

4 June 1852. At the office all day until about 5 p.m., then went to the wharf, and from there to 2nd above Tamany upon business. Was detained until about 1/2 past 7, and it was near 8 before I got to the office. Arranged my accounts, then to my hotel, and got tea. After which called up to see Mrs. William T. Carter in Pine above 10th. Met Mr. O.W. Davis there by appointment. Spent about an hour and a half there, and then went up home together stopping on the way to get some ice cream and strawberries at Parkinson's new store.

6 June 1852. Got up this morning about 1/4 past 6, took a bath, dressed and then walked down to the post office expecting to get a letter from Carrie but was disappointed. Then went up to the hotel and got breakfast after which remained about the hotel reading until 10 o'clock. Then went up to St. Luke's Church, heard Reverend Mr. Howe. Sat with Mr. & Mrs. Browning.

7 June 1852. At the office all day and in the evening at 1/4 past 7 met Mr. Maginnis at my hotel (Washington House) by appointment and then went up to the National Theater to see the panorama of Buffalo, Lake Erie, Niagara River, and the Falls of Niagara River. It was a very beautiful and correct. Out about 10 o'clock. Went down to the hotel, got supper & smoked a cigar hoping that the rain would abate but there did not appear much chance. I walked up home with Maginnis in 7th (Delaware) above Cherry and then went up home myself getting pretty well wet.

8 June 1852. In the evening writing to Carrie.

10 June 1852. In the evening down at Mr. N.K. Davis's room at his boarding house, No. 118 S. 4th Street, by appointment to play whist. Met there Mr. McKinley & Mr. Husbands. Drank two bottles of champagne and had a very merry evening.

11 June 1852. At the office all day, and in the evening at about 1/2 past 8 called up to see Miss Hannah Burton with Mr. O. Wilson Davis. Ned Burton (Hannah's brother) arrived from Europe today, having been absent some 15 months. In the course of the evening went around to Mr. J.F. Smith's for Louisa Snyder and Miss Millie Johnson. Found them at home, but met there Mr. Somers & Miss Potts, so that they could not return with me. I sat about half an hour and then went back.

12 June 1852. At the office the greater part of the day, and at 4 p.m. started in company with Mr. E.J. Maginnis for Thurlows. Had a very dusty ride down in the cars to two miles below Chester. When we arrived at Thurlow's station met Ma and Lydia waiting for us on the platform. Went up to the house and sat about until tea time when we had an excellent supper. After tea in the evening took a walk.

13 June 1852. Got up this morning at about 6, dressed and had a very nice breakfast. Remained about the farm until about 1/2 past 8 or 9, when I took a walk of about a mile and a half to the mill, where there is some quite pretty scenery. Returned by about 11, and had some milk punch, cakes, &c., then took a nap until dinner time. Had a very fine dinner and spent the afternoon making willow whistles for the children.

14 June 1852. Got up this morning at 5 1/2 a.m., dressed went down stairs got a glass of milk & a biscuit, and then went in and saw Ma and Lydia. After bidding them good bye, went up to the rail road and took the cars. Spent the evening partly at the hotel, partly at the barbers, partly at the office & partly attending to some little matters of business.

15 June 1852. The warmest day we have had this season. Thermometer 98� in shade. At the office all day, and in the evening at about 1/2 past 8 called up to see Mr. & Mrs. John H. Chambers with E.J. Maginnis, by invitation, to play whist.

16 June 1852. In the evening went up to the Building Association.

17 June 1852. Went up to Brown Street west of William with Mr. Brigham to look at a lot of ground, also took a look at the new house of refuge now in the course of erection. Left Brigham at house of refuge and went down to 8th below Parrish and put a bill on a house. Went to 2nd & Tamany to try and collect some rents of the Fisher Estate but was unsuccessful, then back to the office.

18 June 1852. At the office all day until about 6 p.m. when J.D. Bald called and took me out riding. Rode as far as Point Breeze and then returned.

19 June 1852. 1/2 past 8 took an omnibus & went up to the Norristown R.R. depot and at 9 started for Norristown where I arrived after a very pleasant ride at about 1/4 past 9. Went up to the Recorders office and spent the day there examining a title for Percival & Algernon Roberts.(9) Got a miserable dinner at the Montgomery house. At 1/2 past 6 started for Philadelphia again where I arrived at about 20 m. of 8. Went down to the office where I found a letter from my dear wife which was quite gratifying, having expected one for several days.

20 June 1852. Got up this morning at 1/4 past 5, took a bath, dressed and at 6 sat down and wrote a letter to Carrie in reply to hers received last evening. After which went down to the hotel, got breakfast, then went down to the post office to put my letter in. Then took a walk down to the river to see if I could get down to Chester, but found no boat going. Went up to St. Luke's Church and heard N.S. Harris preach. After Church, walked as far as Mr. Edward Roberts with Mr. & Mrs. Ware to see what was the reason they had not been at Church. Found they had all gone out to Owen Jones(10) yesterday & were unable to get in last night on account of the rain and accordingly came in this morning. Remained to dinner and at about 2 walked out to Fairmount (stopping to change my coat at the house on the way). Took the boat up to the Falls, where I landed, and got up to cousin Algernon S. Roberts' place after a fatiguing walk, having missed my way. Found them all at home & well, remained about until about 1/4 past 5 then walked over to Isaac W. Roberts with Cuthbert. Saw all of the family including Algernon. Remained until about 6 p.m. when I started with the intention of going to the boat & to the City but Cuthbert prevailed upon me to remain all night, and go in with him in the morning.

21 June 1852. Got up this morning at about 5, dressed took a walk up to the stable & around the place and at about 1/2 past 6 got breakfast. About 1/2 past 7 started to town with Cuthbert. In the evening went up to see Braddock about collecting some rent from him. He was unable to pay and quite sick. I believe he has consumption and I do not think can live long. I remained about 1/2 hour with him.

22 June 1852. At the office all day, and in the evening at the hotel talking with Maginnis until about 9, then walked down to the ratification meeting of General Scott, remained a short time.

23 June 1852. In the evening went up to the Walnut Street Theater to see Forrest in The Gladiator. He played admirably. The afterpiece of Our Clerks was a very good farce.

24 June 1852. Spent the evening at home and had a whist party composed of: A. Cattell, J.H. Chambers, O.W. Davis, N.K. Davis, J.B. Husbands, E.J. Maginnis & Mr. McKinley. We had quite a jolly time, a supper about 10.

26 June 1852. At 5 m. of 4 took the omnibus in company with Mr. E.J. Maginnis for the Baltimore depot where we took the cars for Thurlow's where we arrived after a dusty ride at about 1/4 past 5. Found Ma & Lydia in waiting for us, all well.

27 June 1852. Took a little walk after which got a very excellent breakfast, smoked a cigar & at about 9 took a walk down along the river with Ma. Got a shady seat and read until about 1/4 past 12 & then went up to the house. Had a very excellent dinner. Spent the afternoon in front of the house reading and napping on a chair. After tea took a little walk with Ma up to the station on the rail road. The company at the house are very sociable and agreeable. There has been an addition since I was last down, in the company of Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm Campbell, married about the 1st of this month. I was introduced to Mrs. Campbell, she is quite pretty and agreeable in her manners.

28 June 1852. Got up this morning at about 1/2 past 5, dressed, got a glass of cream & some bread & butter, then bid Ma and Lydia good by and at about 20 m. of 7 took the train for Philadelphia.

29 June 1852. At the office all day, and also in the evening until 1/4 past 10 writing. Mr. Maginnis was also there. When we left walked with Maginnis as far as Guys. Got a little brandy.

30 June 1852. The melancholy intelligence of the death of Henry Clay(11) was received yesterday, he died at 17 minutes past 11, at Washington. Upon receipt of the news in this City the State House and various other bells were tolled muffled and various flags about the city were crapped and put at half mast. The bells of St. Peter's & Christ Church were also rung.


2 July 1852. At the office all day until 5 p.m. when J.D. Bald came for me to take a ride, went out as far as Wissahickon Hotel where we stopped for about 3/4 of an hour taking a row upon the creek, and returned to the house and in a few minutes drove to the city by School House Lane and Township Line Road.

Met Maginnis by appointment at about 8 at my office and then went up to see the torch light procession as escort to the remains of the lamented Henry Clay. We took our station upon a step in Walnut Street above 11th where we met Jack Chambers, and after a tedious waiting of about an hour, the procession made its appearance and was a very magnificent & imposing affair. The body was placed on a magnificent hearse handsomely festooned with black drapery edged with silver fringe and surmounted with six or eight handsome white plumes, and drawn by 6 magnificent black horses. It was escorted by the Washington Grays and the 1st City Troop was a guard of honor. There must have been over 15,000 people in the procession, the greater portion of whom bore torches, to resemble one immense stream of fire. The music was very fine, and many of the banners beautiful. It was one hour passing. Mr. Clay's remains are to be deposited in Independence Hall until tomorrow when he will be removed to his home by way of New York, Cleveland & Cincinnati.

Got home about 1/4 of 11 very tired. There were minute guns fired at Broad & Market Streets during the moving of the procession.

3 July 1852. At the office all day until 4 p.m. then went around to the depot & took the omnibus for the Baltimore depot to take the 4 1/4 o'clock train for Thurlow's. Detained until after 6 on account of the engine of the 2 p.m. Baltimore express train running off the track. It took them some time to get her on again and things to right. After getting some 2 1/2 to 3 miles below Grays Ferry, were obliged to return to the Ferry on account of meeting another train. However we finally arrived at Thurlow's at about 1/4 past 7, where we should have been by 1/4 past 5. Found them all in the lookout and wondering at our delay, but waiting supper for us, which we soon finished.

Spent the evening about the house the greater part of the time with Ma in her room. I was obliged to have my eyes poulticed tonight on account of having over strained them during the past week. For several hours after getting up this morning I could not see out of them, or open them to look at any object for a moment.

4 July 1852. I spent the greater part of the morning in Ma's room while she applied and changed the lead water poultices on my eyes. We had a splendid dinner of soft crabs, plum pudding, &c. Spent the afternoon & evening about the house, not being able to go about much on account of my eyes.

5 July 1852. This morning was ushered in by the firing of a large number of crackers, in fact the whole day was one continuous din of crackers from early morn until late at night. In the morning after breakfast Mr. Maginnis & I took the cars, and rode up to Chester. He got a one horse carriage and I a saddle horse and drove down to Thurlow's again. Mac took Lydia and I accompanied them on horseback over by Crooks Mills to Media, the new County town of Chester County. It is a new place, only commenced some two years since. The buildings are all fine, and principally of brick. The court house and jail are very large and fine buildings. We had a very pleasant but warm ride, & returned home by about 1/4 of 1.

At about 1 had the Declaration of Independence read by Mr. Campbell, and a short address and a song from Major Reynolds, with various national airs upon the piano by Mr. Frank Thibault. The memory of Henry Clay was then commemorated by all rising in silence, after which various cheers were given for various persons, winding up with 9 for the ladies. The afternoon was spent in firing crackers, arranging the fireworks for the evening, &c. The dinner was very fine & the liquor passed freely around. The evening was spent by having an exhibition of fire works, and a dance. Afterwards a large company assembled in the parlor composed of the boarders & Mrs. Thurlow and invited friends. Upon the whole I never spent a pleasanter celebration of the Nation's anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.

6 July 1852. At 1/4 of 8 left in the cars for the City. I commenced boarding at the U.S. Hotel today, do not like it near as well as the Washington House.

9 July 1852. At the office all day until 5 p.m. when J.D. Bald called for me to take a drive. Rode out to Wissahickon Hall where we remained about half an hour, took a row upon the creek, and then drove up the Township Line Road. Went down same to Nicetown lane, & then over to Nicetown. Stopped at the Hotel for a short time & then returned to Township Line Road. Wrote a letter to Carrie.

10 July 1852. In the evening went to the Chestnut Street Theater to see McAllister the Magician. He performed a number of very astonishing tricks among which was the production of 21 different kinds of liquor from one bottle, after having poured some 8 or 10 glasses of wine from it and rinsing it with water & then turning it up side down to show that there was nothing else in it. I tasted some of the wine which was very good.

11 July 1852. At 8 started on board of the steamer Balloon for Chester where we arrived at about 25 of 10. I landed there and walked down to Thurlow's. Found it quite a warm walk on so warm a morning. Found Ma and Lydia quite well, spent the day about the house, it being too warm to walk. After tea took a little walk down the rail road with Ma, but soon returned to the house on account of some little appearance of rain, though we were not favored.

12 July 1852. Started for Philadelphia where we arrived by 25 m. past 7, then went up to Dr. Behrens in Arch above 9th to get some powders for Lydia who was taken quite sick last evening, then to the hotel & got breakfast. Then to the office where I spent the greater part of the day. There was quite a bad fire in the "Edwards Building" in Chestnut Street above 5th raging throughout the evening. They got it out by about 10 p.m. though not without having done much damage both by the fire above, and to the stores underneath from the immense quantity of water thrown upon the Building.

13 July 1852. At the office all day, and in the evening went down to Thomas & Sons public sale to attend the sale of a Ground Rent. Left at about 1/2 past 8, & walked up to the Washington House (to which house I returned today to take my meals). Remained until about 1/4 of 10, then walked up 12th & Chestnut Streets where I met O.W. Davis by appointment. Went together over in company with a friend of Davis to an oyster cellar in 12th Street below Chestnut.

14 July 1852. At the office all day until about 7 p.m. then went up to tea, after which remained at the hotel until about 8, then went up to 8th Street. Bought some stockings, then around to see Mr. Maginnis, who had been very sick yesterday morning. Found him better, then went up home, left my stockings, and then called over to see the Misses Lacke. Saw Miss Ann, sat until about 11.

15 July 1852. At the office all day until about 1/4 of 7 p.m. Then went up to the hotel and got tea, after which smoked a cigar. While sitting at the front of the house, Mr. Richardson of Danville came up and we sat talking until about 9, when I walked down to the barbers with him at 4th & Chestnut Streets. Returned to the hotel in about half an hour, where I waited until about 10, when Mr. O.W. Davis called for me & we walked up home together and then went to bed.

We had been there about an hour when Mr. Davis said that he heard some body distinctly try the door 3 times. When we got up, I took one of my pistols and he the light and went all over the house, but were unable to find anyone. Then to bed again and slept soundly the rest of the night without further disturbance.

16 July 1852. In the evening went to the Chestnut Street Theater to see the Misses Susan and Kate Denin play Romeo and Juliet, and also in the Wandering Boys. I was much pleased with them in both pieces, particularly in the first. They were both beautiful and magnificently formed women. Kate had a most beautiful foot and ankle. They were very poorly supported except on the part of Mr. Winans who played Lubin in the last piece and Mr. Kaines who played Mercutio. I went away from the theater well pleased. Met there Mr. Richardson from Danville, Pennsylvania & O.W. Davis.

Davis & I walked up home together. When at about Schuylkill 5th and Arch Streets heard an alarm of fire. We turned back, found it to be a stable and board yard at N.E. corner Schuylkill 7th & Market Streets. The stable was of frame and made a tremendous light, & soon burned out consuming with it 3 or 4 valuable horses.

I had quite a fright today occasioned by the receipt of a telegraph dispatch from Cincinnati from Carrie. I feared to open and read it as I thought it contained news of the death or sickness of my wife or child, but upon perusal my mind was relieved, as she had from some cause become uneasy about me and telegraphed to know whether I was sick or well.

18 July 1852. 8 a.m. started on board the steamer Balloon for Chester where I arrived by 1/2 past 9. Walked over to Thurlow's.

19 July 1852. At 25 m. of 7 started in the early train for Philadelphia. Maginnis, Ma & Lydia went up to the station with us. There came very near being an accident just as we were starting. A freight train following the passenger train did not appear to notice the stoppage of the other train at the station and came on full speed with all appearance of running into the passenger train which was backing up to the station. They succeeded in stopping in time to avoid a collision.

20 July 1852. In the evening Mr. Maginnis and myself went to see Miss Susan Denin play Norval in the play of Douglas. She played her part admirably but was poorly supported in every character so that the piece was miserably played. The afterpiece of The Little Devil was much better played though many of the characters were poorly sustained. Out about 11 1/4, stopped at Guys.

21 July 1852. About 1/2 past 8 went up to the Building Association, then went home stopping in at 5th (Schuylkill) and Vine Streets to get some ice cream.

23 July 1852. After tea went up to 12th & Spring Garden Streets to see Mr. William Jarden upon some business. Found him and that it was necessary for me to return immediately to write a deed for him to execute in the morning as he was to leave for Cape May.

24 July 1852. 1/4 of 4 p.m. started for Thurlow's with Mr. E.J. Maginnis where we arrived after a dusty rail road ride.

25 July 1852. Spent the day about the place with the exception of about an hour in the morning occupied in taking a walk down to the river with Ma. There was quite a party down in a sail boat this morning.

26 July 1852. At 25 m. of 7 left in the cars for Philadelphia. In the evening went to the Chestnut Street theater to see Miss Susan Denin play Marianne in the Wife. She sustained her character admirably and with much effect, and really looked beautiful. The after piece of the Wandering Boys was well played by the Misses Susan and Kate Denin.

28 July 1852. At the office all day until about 5 p.m. when Mr. Bald called for me to take a ride. First drove up into Kensington on some business and then out to Germantown as I had to see Mr. George H. Thomson. After attending to my business with him went to the Buttonwood Tree Hotel where I met Bald by appointment. Sat a short time & then had a very pleasant ride in town.

31 July 1852. Evening part of the time at the hotel and part of the time at Mercantile Library.


1 August 1852. A clear, cool and charming day. Got up at about 1/2 past 6, took my bath, dressed and then went down to the post office & was much gratified to receive a letter from Carrie. I then went down as far as the river to make some enquiries about the New York outside boats, & then went up to the hotel & got breakfast after which smoked a cigar. Then went up to the Church of Atonement. Heard a very beautiful discourse delivered by Mr. Goddard upon the burning of the "Henry Clay," which occurred last Wednesday when about 80 or 90 lives were lost. Found Aunt Erwin in our pew, also Miss Louisa Snyder. After Church walked home with Miss Snyder. Met Harry Storms there. After dinner Storms called for me again & we called up to see Miss Mary Ann Belangee. Found her at Pottsville, went in saw her mother, also went into the garden which is bountifully supplied with grapes, plums, &c. to which we had an invitation to partake of when ripe.

2 August 1852. Got up at 1/4 past 5, dressed & then went out to Pine Street wharf Schuylkill to see Mr. Lowry & collect his rent. Ma & Lydia were up in town to day, and dined with me at the Washington House. They went down to Thurlow's again in the late train.

3 August 1852. In the evening about 1/2 past 8 went to the barbers & got shaved.

4 August 1852. About 1/2 past 7 Mr. E.J. Maginnis called. We went into the Chestnut Street Theater to see Mr. John Brougham play Captain Cuttle in Darby & Son, and Captain Bamboozel in the farce of the same name. He was excellent in both pieces.

5 August 1852. Got up this morning at 1/4 past 5, dressed and prepared for my start to Cincinnati. In going down to the office, met a dray man who I got to return to the house and take my trunk to the New York out side steamer Penobscot just below Chestnut Street. After which went to my hotel and got breakfast, then to the office & attended to several matters and at 10 minutes of 10, started for the boat which was to leave at 10 for New York. Got on board in good time, and had a very pleasant sail down the river and bay, without meeting with any accident except running into a sloop which injured the lower part of the wheelhouse a little. Arrived at Cape May landing about 1/2 past 6, and at about 7 went to sea. It began to be quite rough. The wind was from the Eastward which raised quite a sea which would at times break clear over the upper deck. In the course of the night we had a violent storm of rain, thunder and lightning which did us no injury except to cause the greater part of the passengers to become quite sick. As usual with me while at sea I felt perfectly well. I did not go to bed but laid about on the lounge all night, as it was too warm to go below.

6 August 1852. I went out upon deck a little after 5 this morning. Found it quite cloudy, a heavy sea rolling and blowing quite sharp from the Eastward making the boat toss so much you could scarcely walk. We were just South of Long Branch which we passed shortly afterward. We run into Sandy Hook about 1/4 past 6 a.m. and had a pleasant though rough sail up the bay arriving at New York some 2 1/2 hours making it too late to go out in the morning Erie trains which I regretted very much as I wanted to be with my dear wife & child at once. Upon arrival went up to the "Irving House," got a good breakfast, then dressed and called up to see Mrs. & Miss Ann Maginnis in Houston Street above Broadway. Saw Anne who was quite well, but not her mother who excused herself from seeing me. Sat about half an hour talking, and then called up to see Miss Caroline Quackenbos, No. 141 2nd Avenue, but found her out of town, and had not been well. Returned to hotel, wrote a letter to Ma, Mr. V. Burkard and Mr. H.C. Storms. By this time the 2 p.m. dinner was ready, of which I partook and found to be quite a miserable affair, no courses, no order, no nothing & cooking poor. I succeeded in getting about half a dinner and then smoked a cigar. I went down to Fulton Ferry and over to Brooklyn and walked up as far as No. 105 Henry Street, near Clark, to see Mr. & Mrs. Douglas but found them out of town. Returned to New York, and on going up Broadway met Mr. John Neaff of Philadelphia sitting on the steps of the "Aston House." Sat down with him and chatted and looked at the ladies and passers by for about an hour until 6 p.m. Then went up to the hotel to tea, which I took at the ladies table.

The attention at this house is very poor now. I waited some 10 minutes before I could get a cup of coffee. They have too much business and I think that upon my next arrival in New York I shall stop at some other house. About 7 Mr. John Neaff called for me, and we went together to Niblos where we had some very beautiful dancing by several distinguished dancers, also a very good farce. The house was well filled by an apparently fashionable audience.

7 August 1852. At 6 a.m. left in the coach for the foot of Duane Street and at 1/2 past 6 left Jersey City in the cars for Suffern where we arrived at about 8 o'clock. Here we took the splendid cars of the Erie Rail Road for Dunkirk. They are much wider and larger in every respect than the cars on the other road, as the track upon which they run is 6 feet gage. We made beautiful time over the whole road running at the rate of 30 miles an hour including stoppages. The country through which we passed is romantic, wild and beautiful particularly that portion along the banks of the Delaware and Susquehanna. I met on board a Mr. Joseph Peas of New York, quite a pleasant young man, and also a Mr. William P. or R. Smith of New York, the latter of whom I roomed with on the boat tonight. Peas left us at Elmira. We arrived at Dunkirk, 469 miles from New York at 1/2 of 12 p.m. and at 12 left in the steamer Alabama, a very fine boat for Cleveland. After getting on board got some supper, and turned in to a very nice state room at about 1 a.m.

8 August 1852. I slept very well last night. I got up shortly after 7 and it was not long before we had a tolerable good breakfast. The Lake was very calm, and we had a very pleasant run. At about 1/4 past 9 we ran into Fairport, Ohio, 115 miles from Dunkirk and 30 from Cleveland. The boat remained about an hour and a quarter to take in wood. Two passengers and myself went up to look at the place which we found to be in a miserable dilapidated condition, consisting of a light house, a few dwellings, tavern, and some store houses on the pier.

I found out last evening that I had been duped by the agents in New York in regard to the time I will arrive in Cincinnati. I find that there is no car for Cincinnati from Cleveland on Sunday, so that I will have to lay over until tomorrow morning at 11 a.m. They told me in New York that I would positively arrive in Cincinnati Sunday evening at 11 p.m., whereas I shall not get in for 24 hours later. These swindles however are usual and must be looked for.

They gave us a poor dinner on the boat, and we arrived at Cleveland about 1/2 past 12. Went up to the "American House" and found it full, then went over to the "Franklin House" where I got a very pleasant front room in company with a Mr. D. Kaufmann of Memphis, Tennessee. At little after 4 I stopped at the post office where I was much gratified in receiving a letter from my dear wife. I found her to be well, and also my dear little Ida with the exception of her cold which I regret still continues.

Got tea about 6 p.m. after which Mr. Kaufmann and I took a walk around to see the upper part of Cleveland. I was really surprised and agreeably disappointed in the beauties of the place. I have been here four or five times before and have never gone except in the business part of the town. The streets throughout the town are very wide, say 110 to 120 feet, crossing each other at right angles and adorned with beautiful shade trees. The houses too in the upper part of town are of a superior character, large and receding from the street and principally double square houses with handsome columns and porticoes in front. Many represent those on Girard Avenue at Green Hill, Philadelphia. Other houses are built in cottage style giving the whole place a beautiful and picturesque appearance. We also walked through the City Cemetery which is on the outskirts and made a kind of promenade in the evening. It is a pretty place filled with shade trees but not laid out with much, and very few handsome monuments.

9 August 1852. I got up this morning about 6, dressed and then went out to a telegraph office and sent a message to Carrie at Cincinnati, that I would arrive there this evening at 11. Got a tolerable breakfast and then started out to take a stroll down along the river. Went on board several of the lake steamers, and then walked along the pier to the lake and from there to the Pittsburgh Rail Road depot. Then walked over to the Cincinnati depot and from there out upon some piles to look at the wreck of the Caspian.

This was a new boat that came out last October, built & furnished in magnificent style. She had just landed her passengers and let off her steam when a violent gale came up from the lake which caused her to pass her fastings and she was driven upon some piles where the waves had full play dashing over her. She soon filled and sank, and was made a perfect wreck. They have removed the greater part of her machinery and intend trying to raise her today. If her hull is not too much injured she will be rebuilt the ensuing winter.

After examining an interesting process of driving piles by steam, I went up to the Hotel, and a short time afterwards took the hotel omnibus which conveyed us to the cars and at 11 a.m. started for Cincinnati, Ohio. The ride was very pleasant though at times very dusty. The upper part of the state seemed to be one continuation of heavy timber. After leaving Columbus, the Country appears more settled.

Arrived at Cincinnati, 255 miles from Cleveland at 1/2 past 10. I immediately took an omnibus which soon conveyed myself and baggage to Mr. Spaders where I found my dear wife waiting for me and quite well. My dear little Ida was also quite well but sound asleep.

10 August 1852. Got up this morning at about 1/4 of 7, dressed and got breakfast, after which amused myself talking & playing with my little Ida who has changed vastly since I saw her. She is rather thin but runs about quite briskly and is very lively and interesting. Her hair has grown considerably and is quite curly. She does not recognize nor will she come to me at all, though I presume she will soon become acquainted.

About 9 o'clock I took a walk down as far as the river to make some enquiries in regards to going to the Mammoth Cave, but could not get much information. I also went on board several of the boats, then walked around up by the Burnet House, stopped in. Then up by Aunt Harrison's old residences, then up to a stage office to make some enquiries about the cave, and then up to Mr. Spaders again. In a few minutes Mr. Borden came in with his carriage, and we soon started out to his house. After a pleasant drive of an hour and a half we arrived out at Longwood which looked about as usual. Found mother, Mrs. West, sister, Mary, Harry and Sammy all well. Mary and Sammy have both grown considerably. Spent the afternoon taking a stroll down to the fish pond, through the orchard, &c. with Harry. We also took a nap under the trees which we found very pleasant. Evening in the house reading, chatting & listening to Mary play and sing. Bed at about 10.

11 August 1852. Got up at about 6, dressed and got breakfast, after which smoked a cigar, went with Harry to feed the chickens &c. About 9 1/2 a.m. Carrie and I took a walk down in the woods back of the house, and got a shady seat where we remained for about an hour talking and then returned to the house where we had some nice milk punch and cake. About 1/2 past 12 had dinner after which went up to our room and brought up my journal and wrote to Ma and Mr. Burkard. Afterword went out to the orchard and picked some apples in company with Harry, Sammy and the hired man until about 6 p.m. as we intended to make cider in the course of a day or two. Spent the evening at home with Mr. Aaron Gano and his sister Miss Kitty Gano. We had some exhibition of tall man, dead man and elephant in the course of the evening which caused some merriment.

12 August 1852. At about 9 Carrie and I took the horse and buggy in to Cincinnati by way of Mount Auburn, and Vine Street Hill. I took the horse to the stable. We then went down to the Ohio River, and crossed in a most miserable ferry boat called the Ohio to Covington, Kentucky and walked up to 3rd Street north side to see my Aunt Mary Harrison and family. Found Aunt Mary and Sophia tolerable well. Rebecca we also saw, she having come down stairs for the first time this afternoon after an attack of dysentery. Did not see Lydia, she being very unwell from a violent attack of neuralgia. Left at about 1/2 past 4, and went over to Cincinnati again by steamer Kentucky, another miserable boat, and by Walnut Street ferry. Walked up to Gurlys again with Carrie, stopping at 4th & Walnut Street to get some mineral water. Left Carrie at Gurleys and went down to the post office where I succeeded in getting a letter for Aunt Harrison from Ma, which I had mailed about the 1st of July last to her. Then went to the stable & got the horse & buggy. When we started for home, got out as far as Hamilton Road & Canal bridge when we remembered that we wanted a permit to go to the House of Refuge tomorrow, and we had to return.

13 August 1852. Remained about the place until about 10 o'clock a.m. Mr. Harbeson and Colonel Churchill were over this morning to make some arrangements in regard to setting up a fishing excursion. I remained sitting with them until the hour above named when we drove over in the buggy to College Hill Post Office. I waited there and read the newspaper while Harry went over to see the Misses Mary and Cordy Williams. He returned in about 1/2 or 3/4 of an hour with Frank Williams, the brother of the Misses Williams. We then went over to the College (Farmers) and went up into the Philomathean and Burrett Hall rooms, belonging to the two societies of the College. After looking at their libraries, &c. drove home to dinner, after which took a nap.

At about 1/2 past 3 Mr. & Mrs. S. Borden, Mary Borden and Mrs. West, in the carriage, and Carrie and I in the buggy, drove down to the new House of Refuge building which, in exterior appearance, is quite a noble and handsome building. It is built of stone, with white cappings to the windows. The interior arrangements are neat and convenient. Upon entering the building we were invited into the parlor for a few minutes then we were invited into the supper room where the boys (some 100 to 125) were about to assemble for their evening meal. Upon our taking a position in one end of the room they all came in singly and in order. At the sound of a whistle, each hung up his hat, and all took up their respective positions behind their stools. When all arranged themselves, at the sound of the whistle, they all faced around to the superintendent who asked a blessing. Then they all sat down and commenced their meal, which appeared to be very simple consisting of a large plate of molasses (provisions covered with a large flat tin cover), a large piece of bread and a mug of water. Tea and coffee are prohibited. They give them meat once a day.

From the supper room went into the kitchen, which is large, neat, clean and convenient. From there passed into the yard of the building, where we were shown the place where the large breach in the wall had been made (now repaired) occasioned by the breaking of the canal. The water rushed across the yard tearing up every thing before it, making a trench to the depth of some 10 to 15 feet to the very foundation of the building. It sweeped by one corner, and rushed out through the front wall causing another serious break, and making its way into the creek.

After leaving the yards passed up into the working rooms where they carried on tailoring, shoemaking, broom making, toy wheel barrow making, &c. We then passed into the bathing room, which contains quite a large tub some 20 feet long by 8 feet wide and 3 to 4 feet deep. From there we passed into the school rooms where the boys were just assembling for study, their hours of study being from 5 to 7 a.m. and from 5 to 7 p.m. After visiting the school rooms we passed into the girls' supper room, where they were all seated taking their evening meal. The girls were not nearly so numerous as the boys. We also visited the dormitories, which are arranged the same as the cells of our prisons East. They are arranged on the four sides of a hollow square, with a balcony and railing passing clear around the square on each story, as an entrance to the various cells, which are each numbered with a strong door and lock and a window with a ventilator over the door. They each contain a single iron bedstead, chair, &c. and have a very neat and clean appearance. They are about 10 feet by 4 feet in size.

Before leaving the institution we entered our names upon the register, and then bid the gentleman attendant good afternoon, got our carriages and then drove over to Mr. Hoffries garden. Though beautiful it did not show to much advantage on account of the dry weather, there having been no rain for five or six weeks in these parts. The garden has considerable statuary, fish ponds, &c.

I spent the greater part of the day about the house, part of the time napping, as I did not feel very well. About 11 a.m. I went down with Sammy into the woods to shoot some squirrels but it was too late in the day. I shot or wounded a young dove for Sammy which he took home, as he thinks it will live. Mr. Borden and Harry spent the morning cleaning the cistern as the water was nearly out for want of rain. Received a letter from Lydia this evening.

15 August 1852. At about 1/2 past 10 Mr. Samuel Borden, Harry & Sammy Borden, Fanny Spader(12) and myself drove over to Duck Creek, distant about 7 miles, to attend a Camp Meeting. It was the largest I ever witnessed and was held in a beautiful elevated piece of woods, and would have been very pleasant had it not been so dusty. There were a very large number of persons on the ground and an immense number of horses and vehicles. The people generally were of a very common order, at least in appearance. We met Mrs. Kirby and her son Clinton. Becoming tired we left the Camp ground & drove home. Had a very fine supper of broiled spring chicken, coffee &c. We left Harry Borden at the Camp ground.

16 August 1852. About 1/2 past 10 Mr. Borden, Mrs. West and I went into the City. Stopped at Mr. Spaders and got dinner, after which Mr. Borden and I went down to the stage office in Walnut Street below 5th to make some enquiries about the stage to go to Mammoth Cave(13) by way of Lexington. Could find out nothing but was informed that if I went to stage office in Covington I could get all information. Accordingly I went over but found the person (Frank Weaver) I wanted to see was out of town. I was informed his agent could give me all information if I could see him, but he was not about so I went up to see Aunt Mary Harrison. Remained about half an hour, then went back to the stage office, saw the man I wished, but he could give me no further information, so I returned to Cincinnati and at about 5 started for Longwood again. Took out with us Aunt Clara, who is to take care of Ida in our absence. Spent the evening at home packing up so as to start in the morning.

17 August 1852. At about 1/4 of 6 had breakfast when we prepared to start for town, as it is the intention of Mr. & Mrs. Borden, their daughter Mary, Mrs. West, Carrie and I to start for the Mammoth Cave via Louisville, Kentucky. First went to Mr. Spaders where we remained a short time & then down to the Steamer Lady Pike in which we took passage for Louisville. She is a low water boat but a very nice one. We got tolerable good state rooms.

There were quite a large number of passengers, among whom was a Cincinnati officer who had in charge a prisoner who had committed a robbery in St. Louis and was arrested at Cincinnati. He had his arms placed around an iron stay on the forward part of the boat, with a pair of handcuffs on him so that he could not get away and he remained in that position all the way down with the exception of the time occupied in taking his meals.

We did not get off from Cincinnati until about 1/2 past 12, some hour and a half after the advertised time, which I thought quite singular as the mail boats are generally supposed to be very punctual. Had a tolerable dinner shortly after starting. The scenery along the river is very handsome, noticed the tomb and late residence of General Harrison(14) as we passed North Bend, also passed a number of small towns. About 6 had a passable supper, after which we all went up on the hurricane deck, and walked up and down until it was quite dark. We expect to get into Louisville about 2 a.m.

18 August 1852. Very foggy when I awoke this morning, and instead of finding ourselves safely lodged at Louisville, found that we were tied to the bank some 20 or 25 miles below. Started off shortly after 5, but had to run very slow on account of the fog, but by 1/2 past 6 or 7 it had cleared off and was very warm. We arrived at Louisville at about 1/2 past 8, left the ladies on the boat, and Mr. Borden and I went up to the stage office to see what our prospect was for getting to the cave. Found it impossible to leave before 4 tomorrow morning, so we secured our passages at $8 a piece, then went into the Gault House and entered our names. We then returned to the boat and took the ladies up to the hotel and went to our rooms which were very fine ones.

Dressed and then took a walk through the upper part of the town, along Chestnut and Walnut Streets upon which the most fashionable residences are located. In the course of our walk saw the residence of Mr. Cassidy. The grounds are beautifully laid out and are surrounded by a stone wall, surmounted by a handsome hedge. We also passed the Court house, which I think is a monument of shame for Louisville. It is a noble building in point of size and architecture, but has been standing unfinished for the last 6 to 8 years for want of funds to complete it. There is grass growing upon the unfinished walls and the whole building has a dilapidated appearance. We returned to the hotel at about 1/4 of 2, and after waiting 3/4 of an hour sat down to one of the most miserable dinners that was ever placed before me in a first class hotel. It seemed there was nothing on the table except the leavings of the gentleman before us. After the apology for a dinner went into the parlor and sat for about an hour while Carrie & Mary played for us. I occupied the whole afternoon writing. We had a much better supper than dinner, in fact it was quite passable.

19 August 1852. Got up this morning about 1/4 of 4 and after some preparations got ready for the stage which was to start at 5, but on account of delay occasioned by difficulty of getting on baggage and mail bags, we did not start for the Mammoth Cave until about 1/2 past 5. We had a very large load, there being 9 inside, and some 6 outside, besides an immense quantity of baggage and mails. We drove 9 miles to breakfast, where we got a tolerable meal at an expense of 50 cents, double its value. Our company inside is quite pleasant, being only three and a small boy besides ourselves, viz., a Mr. A.D. Hamlin, his daughter Amanda and son Theodore, also their Aunt, an aged lady. Mr. & Miss Hamlin were quite agreeable. Miss Hamlin is very pretty, animated and talkative. The country through which we passed today was quite pretty with a large amount of woodland, and but very little improvement. The houses are generally built of log, and of an inferior character. There appears to be but little energy or enterprise through this part of the country. We crossed Salt River in a flat boat, just before it enters the Ohio, 22 miles from Louisville. We were all obliged to walk down and up very steep hills on either side.

We arrived at Elizabethtown, 42 miles from Louisville, to dine. I did not take dinner, but the rest of the party did. Sometime after dark we arrived at a town called Mumfordsville where we had to get out and walk down a very steep hill through the mud the distance of half a mile when we came to a small river called Green River. We then got in the stage again, forded the river, and then we were all obliged to get out again (much to our discomfort) and walk up the hill on the opposite side. This last named town is 18 miles from Bell's Tavern where we shall put up for the night. "Bell's" is a very fine, large and well kept house. We got a very good supper and retired shortly afterwards.

Mrs. Borden met with quite a painful accident this afternoon. While riding in the stage, she placed her arm outside, and the hind wheel caught it between it & the coach, and pinched it so that it was very much bruised. She screamed and appeared to be very much alarmed and suffered much pain.

20 August 1852. Got up this morning at about 6, somewhat refreshed after the fatiguing ride of yesterday. Upon going down stairs had some of Mr. Bell's peach brandy and honey, which he insists upon all his guests taking, as it seems to give him much pleasure as he prides himself much upon it. Mr. Bell is quite an old man, some 78 years, very kind and attentive, and singular in his ideas. Though he has lived for 45 years within 7 miles of the Cave, he has never been there but once, and has never entered the Cave. His reason is that he will go under ground soon enough.

We partook of a very nice breakfast and at about 8 a.m. started in a 4 horse coach for the Cave with a compliment of 11 passengers. After a ride of three hours we accomplished the distance of 7 miles over a very rough and hilly road. We had to walk over several hills. We were much disappointed in the appearance of the place, not expecting to find so extensive accommodations. The house is quite large and will accommodate some 150 persons and is now full. The main house is some 150 feet long & two stories. The cottages are one story log cabins adjoining, and running at right angles to the main house to the distance of some 200 feet, making perhaps a covering promenade of 400 feet or more.

We got very nice rooms in the cottages which are 16 feet square with a window back and front. After getting fixed in our room we were anxious to go immediately into the Cave but were informed that all the guides were inside, being only 4 in number, but they would send us in after dinner. I, however, being rather impatient, gratified my curiosity in a measure by going down to the entrance of the cave. The access is gained by passing down a road leading through a ravine the distance of some quarter of a mile. The approach to the entrance of the Cave is readily ascertained. When you get opposite to the mouth you can feel cold, chilly air issuing from it.

We got a pretty good dinner and then prepared to make our first entrance to the Cave on this side of the river. The party was composed of 18 and our guide Alfred, quite an intelligent and communicative Negro slave. He is to receive his liberty on Christmas next by the direction of the will of his master. In the party were two Miss Topps and their brother from Columbus, Miss., Miss E. Topp from Nashville, Tennessee; a Mr. Buchanan and some other ladies and gentlemen whose names I do not remember.

Just as we got to the entrance of the Cave and got our lights trimmed, a violent storm came up, with a heavy fall of rain, so that we had to hurry into the cave for shelter. We descended into the cave by a flight of natural steps and were soon on our way to this world of everlasting darkness. After passing under the rocks we passed through a smaller aperture where there is a very strong current of air which blew some of our lights out, mine among the rest. After passing in some distance we came into what is called the Vestibule which is a very large space and is said to be directly under the dining room of the hotel. We were all amused at the guide by his asking one of the ladies "if she did not smell the chicken." We next entered the Rotunda & from there passed to the Giant's Coffin. This is an immense rock having the appearance of an immense coffin. On the ceiling of the cave there are several singular figures formed by the damp or stain. One represents Napoleon on his horse, and another a large Catamount. We next passed into a large and spacious hall called the church. I, with some others, ascended to the pulpit which is quite elevated, and from which they set off a Bengal light giving the whole a grand and solemn appearance.

It is impossible for me to note in order the different parts of the Cave visited as we passed from one point to another so rapidly that I had not time to write down the names. I believe we next visited the Gothic Chapel. Before entering it the guide took all our lights, 18 in number, and placed them in advantageous places. Upon entering the effect was superb. The various stalactite formations hang in beautiful form giving the whole the appearance of a most beautiful and spacious Gothic chapel. Upon passing along we entered Gothic Avenue which is of the same formation and contains the Devils Arm Chair and Lake Purity, which is a beautiful body of water, cool and refreshing to the taste.

We also visited a chamber the ceiling of which had the appearance of dark heavy clouds coming up at night, and one would imagine you could see out of the cave to the heavens above. From this we passed to the Star Chamber, one of the greatest curiosities in the cave. It resembles the heavens on a bright starlight night, caused by the reflections of the lights upon the crystal formations above. We also had this hall lit up by red & blue lights.

From the Star Chamber we returned and took another passage to what is called Gorans Dome. On the way we passed the side of Saddle Pit, some 70 or 80 feet deep. Then we descended a ladder and after various turnings and windings arrived at Gorans dome. This is a chasm some 150 to 200 feet deep from top to bottom with magnificent formations at the top. Its appearance resembles the finest sculpture. The ladies took their positions at an aperture looking into the cavern from the side, while I and several other gentlemen gained a command position directly over the cavern and some distance above after some considerable labor. We had red and blue lights set off which added much to the beauty of the scene. After leaving this point we started for the entrance of the cave again which we reached at about 7 o'clock, having been under the earth some 4 hours, and having traversed some 6 or 7 miles. We were all much gratified, and for me to attempt to give a description of all the beauties we saw is impossible. It is enough for me to say "I have been to the Mammoth Cave, go and see for yourself if you wish to comprehend what it is." We partook of a very nice supper on reaching the house and soon retired to our rooms feeling too much fatigued to attend the ball given this evening.

They have a very fine band of music which performs before each meal and in the evening for dancing, in fact the "Cave House" is a place at which a few weeks could be passed very pleasantly. Mr Miller, the proprietor, an Agent of the Hotel, is a very courteous, kind and gentlemanly man, and is very communicative. The cave is owned by a number of heirs, and Mr. Miller, the agent of the house, is only their agent. The guides are all slaves. Stephen and Alfred will be free next Christmas by direction of the will of their master.

21 August 1852. After getting a pretty good breakfast we prepared (that is, Carrie, Mary and I) to enter that great chasm of gloom and wonder, the ladies by clothing themselves in Bloomer costumes consisting of red flannel skirts, with yellow socks, and I with an old suit of clothes. Mr. & Mrs. Borden and Mrs. West have concluded not to enter the cave again and will therefore leave this afternoon at 4, so that our party will be divided. I regret this very much, for I was very anxious for Mr. Borden to accompany us over the river and to the extent of the Cave, though I think neither Mrs. Borden or West could undergo the fatigue of walking 18 miles to the end and back, and it would not be prudent for them to attempt it.

About 1/2 past 8 we proceeded down the ravine to the entrance of the Cave accompanied by Mr. Borden. After some little delay, our lamps were trimmed and we were prepared to start on our mission of exploration. We were composed of two parties both bound for the same end but with different guides, our party with Nicholas for our guide. The other party was much larger than our own consisting of some 15 or 20. One of them was Mr. Andrew Jackson [jr.] (the adopted son of Andrew Jackson).

Mrs. Burdsall, who was in our party, was a Mexican lady full of enthusiasm & admiration and made considerable fun for the party. At first we did not like her, as we could not understand her, however she improved very much upon acquaintance. Her hack driver was with her and we could not understand why she was so familiar with him. It made us think they were all of the same class and we kept aloof from them, but we were quite agreeably disappointed after a better acquaintance.

At 9 a.m. when all things were in readiness, we started for the farthest extremity of the cave, each bearing a light to guide us through our way of darkness. We passed on the same way as we entered yesterday. Shortly after entering we noticed the salt peter vats, conduit pipes and other apparatus used in manufacturing salt peter. It was manufactured here as early as 1808 or 1812, the wood of which is still in a perfect state of preservation. We also noticed the tracks of oxen used in the cave in early days, along with some of the cornhusks, the remains of their food. I brought out some specimens of these with me.

We proceeded on the same course as yesterday until we got to the Giant's Coffin when we took a track to the right, passed over beyond and behind that great rock, going through the Wooden Bowl by the Side Saddle pit, thence down the Steps of Time, through various twistings and wends the order of which I cannot remember, though the names and appearance are fresh before me. We visited the Bottomless Pit which is some 200 feet deep. A passage to the bottom has been discovered. We threw lighted paper into it & were enabled to see the bottom. We also passed through the Fat Mans Misery, very appropriately named, as I think it would give a fat man much trouble to go through, being a narrow winding passage through the rocks very difficult of travel even for a small person. Next we passed through the Tall Mans Misery which was certainly quite a misery to me, as I had to walk in a stooping posture for quite a long distance. The Infernal Regions were a most awful place, and the Dead Sea grand and awful in the extreme. I never shall forget my feelings when I heard the awful sound occasioned by the guide rolling a stone into the depths of the dead sea, as it echoed and reechoed in awful sublimity.

We crossed the River Styx by means of a natural bridge, and then arrived at the Leathy River or Waters of Forgetfulness. Before entering the cave we feared a rise in the river would prevent our crossing as there had been so much rain. Upon our arrival at the banks we found the water had risen 1 1/2 feet since yesterday, so that our guide was in fear about crossing. That, of course, gave us fear as we knew nothing about our position. However we concluded to cross the first river and see the appearance of Echo River, when we would determine whether to go on or not.

By this time Alfred, the guide of the other party, came up. He thought it would be safe to risk it provided we arranged our boats so as to pass through Purgatory in case of an emergency. I must say I felt rather in doubt whether to proceed or not, as the appearance of everything was so unearthly that it naturally made me timid. After some little delay our party of 8, including the guide, got into the small boat and passed down that unearthly wonder of nature Echo River. At one point we had to pass under rocks so low that we had to stoop while in a sitting posture in the boat. I cannot describe my feelings while passing down the distance of 3/4 of a mile in this deep silent stream. It seemed that I was transplanted into some unearthly place inhabited by demons. The boats had a most singular appearance as they glided down these silent waters with their lights glowing in the darkness and exhibiting fitful glances at the strangely decorated persons who occupied them. The other party while passing along the river gave utterance to several songs which sounded most beautifully in the Echo River. After a passage of some 3/4 of a mile we were landed safely on the other side of the cave, and proceeded on our way for the end of the cave.

On this side we visited and passed through the Pass of Algiers, the Black Hole Of Calcutta & other objects of interest. After walking some two miles we arrived at a sulfur spring where we partook of some water. We then ascended a ladder into what is called Martha's Vineyard where we found some beautiful formations resembling large clusters of grapes. We then went on as far as the Washington Chamber, distant some 6 miles from the mouth. At this place we took dinner, then visited the Snow Ball Chamber, the ceiling of which has the appearance of having been pelted with snow balls, then on to Cleveland's Cabinet from which we obtained some beautiful specimens. In passing through the cabinet we visited Mary's & Charlotte's Bower, both enriched with beautiful formations representing wreaths, roses, &c.

After leaving Cleveland's cabinet we passed over the Rocky Mountains which consist of tremendous piles of rocks which we have to ascend & descend which is very tiresome. After arriving at the foot of the Rocky mountains there are 3 different passages which lead to as many ends of the Cave. We concluded to go to Croans Hall which we accomplished after some labor. It is quite a spacious room with many handsome formations. We gained this point 9 miles from the entrance of the cave in 6 hours from the time we entered...pretty tired.

After some little rest we retraced our course by the same route we came in with the exception of passing through Valley Way Side Cut, which is rather off of the main track. We reached the end of the Cave again in 4 hours having walked quite fast and stopping very little. We were in the Cave just 10 hours.

Upon getting outside found it to be pouring rain, but as we had nothing on to spoil we went up through it to the hotel. We noticed the greatest change in the atmosphere upon getting out. It seemed like going into a hot bath. Upon going up to the hotel went in to supper in our cave dress.

22 August 1852. After dinner prepared for a start for Bell's tavern, 7 miles, where we take the Nashville stage again for Louisville. We had a very pleasant though warm ride, and met a Mrs. Bell (daughter in law of Mr. Bell who keeps "Bell's Tavern") who we found to be a very agreeable lady. She gave us a great deal of information in relation to the cave. She had her little son with her who was just recovering from a severe spell of sickness. We arrived at "Bell's" at about 6 & had a very good supper. At about 1/4 past 10 the stage came through and I was much gratified to find that there was room for us to go on. Carrie & Mary got seats inside, and I a seat on the box, though I was enabled to get inside soon by one of the gentlemen who gave up his seat to me.

23 August 1852. We arrived at Mumfordsville, 18 miles, at about day break & were obliged to walk down a very steep hill. In getting out the stage Carrie hurt her leg very much, and was scarcely able to walk. We all got in again on arriving at the river, when the stage forded it. All got out again except Carrie & the other ladies & we walked on up a very large hill.

Today was clear and hot and oppressive, entirely too warm for pleasant stage riding. Arrived at West Point on the west bank of the Salt River about 11 miles from Louisville at about 4 p.m. where the stage company partook of one of the most miserable dinners that was ever set before man or woman. I took a look at it which was enough for me and I did not sit down. We arrived at Louisville at about 1/2 past 8, and put up at the Louisville Hotel, got tolerable good rooms but a mighty poor supper.

24 August 1852. Got up this morning at about 1/2 past 6 dressed & got a pretty good breakfast, after which went down to the stage office to get my umbrella having left it in the stage last night. I then went down to the boat Lady Pike and engaged our state rooms. From the boat walked down to the Levee & then to the hotel again, and in a short time started in a carriage for the boat. At about 1/2 past 10 started for Cincinnati again. We were quite amused with some of the darkey firemen dancing Negro dances and saluting the boats that we met with a song.

25 August 1852. We arrived in Cincinnati this morning at about 4 o'clock. Got up at about 1/4 past 5, and dressed. Carrie, Mary and I walked up to Mr. Spaders and found they had just finished breakfast. However they kindly provided us with another breakfast, after which we chatted about our visit to the cave for a while. Then I went to work to write up my journal from Saturday last.

Harry came in the carriage about 1/2 past 9, and the two Sammys with the wagon for the baggage, about 1/4 of 11. I walked up the long hill before coming to the house and arrived some 10 minutes before the rest of them. We found all well except our dear little Ida who was rather under the weather yesterday & today occasioned by her cutting another tooth which again affected her bowels. Up to yesterday Ida was perfectly well, and behaved remarkably well and was very lively.

26 August 1852. At about 1/2 past 4 Sammy and I went down into the woods to see if we could shoot some squirrels, but not seeing any returned to the house.

27 August 1852. I was taken quite sick last night with purging and pains in my stomach, and had some 5 or 6 passages which made me very weak. I took considerable camphor for the purpose of stopping the diarrhea which accomplished the object for which it was taken, but brought on the most severe headache that I ever had in my life, which lasted until towards 4 p.m. when I became somewhat relieved.

I regretted my sickness very much as this was the day fixed for a fishing and picnic party to the Big Miami composed of some of 40 or 50 of Mr. Borden's friends and acquaintances. Our family composed of 7 left Mr. Bordens at about 1/2 past 6 and drove over to Mr. Harbesons who was one of the principals in getting up to the party. He lives on the Hamilton road about a mile above College Hill, and has a beautiful place. We left our carriage here and got into one of the omnibuses, two having been provided, and started for the fishing grounds. There were also several private carriages and one provision carriage which accompanied the party.

The party soon got out their fishing tackle and were seen lining the shore, waiting patiently for a "bite" but with little success. When the notes of the fiddle were heard in the distance, many of the younger portion were summoned to the dance which they all seemed to enjoy as they kept it up with but little intermission until the hour of leaving. The inward man was not neglected as we had a great profusion of "provender" and of the best kind, as every one seemed to enjoy it to judge from the earnest manner in which they ate when seated upon cushions around the cloth spread upon the ground.

I took a stroll over the place, to look at his bees and some very fine herds of chickens. We also went through the vineyard and ate quite plentifully of the grapes which we found excellent.


1 September 1852. Got up this morning at about 6, and after breakfast, Carrie and I packed up our trunks preparatory to going to town, as we intend leaving for Philadelphia tomorrow. Had an early dinner and at about 1/4 past 12 started for Cincinnati. I regretted very much leaving "Longwood" as it has so many associations of pleasure connected with it, but today we must bid farewell to it for some time to come. Went up to Mr. Spaders where we shall remain tonight.

2 September 1852. At about 20 m. past 5 the omnibus called for us. We bid all farewell and left for the cars, and at 1/4 past 6 started for Cleveland, where we arrived without accident. When we arrived it was pouring rain in torrents, but slacked up for a few minutes which enabled us to walk to the boat, but instead of lying at her usual pier she was at another, so that we had to walk some 300 yards upon planks laid upon piles over a portion of the lake. They were laid some two feet apart, and the lake which had been much agitated by the storm was rolling in tremendous waves. I took Ida, and two gentlemen our two carpet bags, while Aunt and Carrie followed with much difficulty. After considerable labor we got to the boat. This I think a most rascally arrangement, and I think the line ought to be punished for such bad treatment to their passengers. I shall never go over it again unless compelled to.

Our troubles were not ended either upon going on board the boat. She was crowded to suffocation, and after great labor got to the steward's office where I was informed that my wife & child & Aunt would have to be upon the cabin floor as there was neither state room nor berth to be had, notwithstanding I had been assured before leaving Cincinnati that there would be no difficulty. The officers of the boat, with the exception of the Captain, were quite insolent & overbearing and seemed to care but little for the comfort of their passengers. The boat, Northern Indiana, was a magnificent one, fitted up in the most beautiful style. During the evening had dancing, playing on the piano, &c. Ida behaved remarkably well today, and this evening seemed to be highly delighted to get free again, and would run up and down the cabin of the boat, and appeared to be delighted when she would hear the music. The night on the lake was quite stormy.

3 September 1852. I had great difficulty in getting my baggage checked upon board the boat, it being left to a slow Negro, who seemed to take much pleasure in taking as much time as possible to check each piece. We arrived at Buffalo at a few minutes past 6, but it was nearly an hour before the boat landed her passengers which prevented us from getting our breakfast for we had to go directly to the cars which started at 8 a.m. for Albany. We got comfortable seats, and at the appointed time started. Arrived at Rochester where we were obliged to change cars, another great inconvenience on this road. Arrived at Syracuse where we got an apology for a dinner at the Exchange Hotel.

Arrived at Utica where we were again subjected to the annoyance of a change of cars. I do really think a line so much traveled should make some arrangement to take their through passengers to their place of destination without subjecting them to the great annoyance of changing cars. Arrived at Albany, 318 miles from Buffalo, at 1/2 past 8. Put up at the "Delavan House" which I found to be a clean and well regulated establishment. I never was more glad to get into a hotel in my life.

4 September 1852. At about 6 we took a carriage and went down to the steamer Francis Skiddy to start for New York. This is a magnificent boat, 315 feet long and the swiftest on the river. The complement of passengers was not large. The scenery on the Hudson as usual looked beautiful. We arrived in New York at 1/4 of 4, had considerable difficulty and delay in getting to shore with my baggage, and had a regular row with a cab man who cheated me out of a dollar.

At Poughkeepsie at 1/2 past 11 a.m. we met the steamer Reindeer full of passengers, and bound for Albany. We were much shocked to hear upon our arrival at New York that in about half an hour after we passed her, one of her boilers blew up instantly killing 7 passengers and scalding some 30 others.

Left New York for Philadelphia 5 1/2 p.m. and were again subjected to a gross outrage by this great monopoly by causing us to stand half an hour in a close crowded room until they thought proper to open the door and allow us to take seats in the cars.

Arrived in Philadelphia at about 10, half an hour after time, and detained half an hour after the boat stopped until they thought proper to give me our baggage. O.W. Davis came down to meet me at the wharf. Got a carriage and finally got up home by about 11. Found Anne and Linda quite well. They soon prepared a supper for us which we all enjoyed. I really feel glad to be at home, for I never had a more unpleasant trip from the West than I have had by this Buffalo route. I do not think I shall take it again, unless compelled to.

5 September 1852. Spent the greater part of the morning unpacking our trunks and arranging our clothes, &c.

6 September 1852. I went to the office again this morning for the purpose of resuming business, though I feel very little like it after so long a recreation. Found all matters as usual & going on as well as could be expected.

7 September 1852. Ma and Lydia came up today to see Aunt Harrison and Carrie and me.

8 September 1852. Aunt Mary Harrison went down to Thurlow's this afternoon to spend a few days with Ma.

12 September 1852.(15) Today was my 28th birthday. At Church of Atonement in the morning and afternoon.

13 September 1852. Aunt Mary Harrison came up from Thurlow's this afternoon.

14 September 1852. At the office all day with the exception of about an hour occupied in going out with Carrie to buy a cup & napkin ring for Ida. I noticed in the paper today that there was frost yesterday morning.

15 September 1852. At the office during the morning, and at 2 p.m. went down to Chester. Arrived there at 1/4 of 3, walked down to Mrs. Thurlow's. Found Ma & Lydia all packed up. After settling our bills, had the trunks, &c. sent up to the station.

Upon getting home found Carrie to be quite sick, with something like intermittent or typhoid fever. She has been complaining for some days. I hope she may soon recover & that it may be nothing serious. Spent the evening at home with the exception of half an hour occupied in going over to the Building Association. Anne, our cook, went off quite suddenly and without notice to day.

16 September 1852. Carrie suffered a good deal with her head to day and had quite a high fever. She is very sick. I was with her the greater part of the evening.

17 September 1852. So cold had to have fire made in the furnace to day. In the evening at home with Carrie, she appeared rather better this morning, but again had a violent fever and headache to night.

18 September 1852. At the office until 2 1/2 p.m. then went home to dinner after which walked about 2 miles over the Market Street Bridge to see a lot that I had purchased a couple of months since, but never saw. Found it very prettily located on Orleans Street near Lancaster turnpike. Spent the evening at home with the exception of about 3/4 of an hour occupied in going to 13th Street above Walnut to enquire of the character of a girl named Margaret, of whom I did not get a very favorable character.

Carrie seems a little better to day though she had a very violent fever tonight accompanied by severe headache.

19 September 1852. At home during the morning with Carrie. She appears much better to day, and with but little fever. Afternoon went to Church of Atonement.

21 September 1852. Carrie is much better today, and the doctor says she is getting well. Her fever has left her and all that she now requires is to regain her strength. She is still confined to her bed.

23 September 1852. Carrie sat up this evening for about two hours.

26 September 1852. At Church of Atonement in the morning with Carrie, it being the first time she has been out since her sickness. Also at the Church of Atonement in the afternoon. Mr. & Mrs. Craig were up to see us in the evening.

29 September 1852. At the office all day, and in the evening went up to Mr. Edward Roberts by invitation to tea. Aunt Harrison, Ma, Lydia, Carrie, Mr. & Mrs. Ware & daughter Mary and Mrs. Rieford were there. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Browning came up in the evening. Aunt Harrison spent the day there.


1 October 1852.Was out the greater part of the day negotiating

the sale of a property in Market Street below 5th.

2 October 1852. In the morning went down to engage a cook in Eagle Court.

3 October 1852. At Church of Atonement in the morning and evening.

4 October 1852. After tea went to Schuylkill 2nd and Cherry Streets and then to Schuylkill Front and Market Streets to get some large corks for Carrie but was unsuccessful, then returned home, tied the tomatoes over with bladder & sealed and corked some of the bottles.

7 October 1852. In evening went to the Walnut Street Theater with Carrie to see the Bateman children. We were much pleased as well as astonished with their acting. They played Portia & Shylock in the play Shylock. They also played in a new piece.

Aunt Harrison received this evening the melancholy intelligence of the death of her little grand daughter, Unah Rice, and also that her daughter Sarah had been delivered of a boy who lived about an hour and died about the same time as Unah.

10 October 1852. At St. Mark's Church in the morning with Aunt Harrison, Bishop McCloskey preached.

11 October 1852. In the evening at home employed in painting the bath tub, window sills, &c.

12 October 1852. At the office until 1/2 past 1, when Carrie called for me, and we went together down to call upon Miss Elizabeth Nesbit who was married this morning to Charles H. Merrifield, a very clever fellow, and a gentleman of whom I have a very high opinion. The bride and brides maids looked very pretty. Saw Mrs. Nisbit, Clara, Amelia, Alice and Helen; they all as usual looked remarkably pretty.

13 October 1852. At the office during the morning and until 1 p.m., when I went up to White's to meet Carrie, Lydia and Mr. Maginnis to accompany them in making a call upon Miss Louisa Kerr, who was married to a gentleman from New York this morning. They leave for New York this afternoon. Later called up to see Mrs. Thomas Gillespie (late Mary Cuthbert) married about two weeks since; she appears to be very nicely fixed and resides East side of 11th St., a few doors north of Cherry St. Also saw her cousin Lizzy Cuthbert.

15 October 1852. In the afternoon went out to Girard College and Laurel Hill with Aunt Harrison, Carrie and Ma, Mrs. Algernon Roberts having kindly sent her carriage for us.

17 October 1852. At Church of Atonement in the morning with Carrie. Called up to see Mrs. Vincent Smith, saw her and her husband, also their infant daughter who is now about 6 weeks old.

20 October 1852. After tea went over to the Building Association.

24 October 1852. At Church of Atonement in the morning with Carrie, Ma, Lydia & Aunt Harrison.

27 October 1852. In the evening went to the dFranklin Institute exhibition with Clinton Kirby of Cincinnati. He arrived today.

31 October 1852. At Church of the Atonement in the morning and afternoon with Carrie. A stranger preached both times.


2 November 1852. This was the Presidential election.(16) There was less excitement than I ever saw, everything passed off quietly, under the new system in this City.

3 November 1852. Spent the evening with Frank Gibbons, my first visit. Spent a pleasant evening playing whist.

4 November 1852. In the evening went to the Chestnut Street Theater and saw some astonishing performances by trained monkeys, goats and dogs, also some astonishing balancing & whirling by a Signor (somebody). Mrs. Gilbert, in the first piece a farce of Kill or Cure, met with a severe accident. She did not appear again, having fallen backward from a cart on which she was riding, turning a complete somersault. She is quite a large woman & it must of injured her severely. Met Bob Bald there. After the theater was out went with him to 6th & Chestnut Streets and got some oysters.

7 November 1852. In the evening went to the Church of Atonement with Carrie and Aunt Harrison. Mr. Goddard preached, and gave us a most beautiful and feeling discourse upon the death of the late Secretary of State, the lamented Daniel Webster.(17) I do not think I ever heard him deliver a more beautiful sermon.

8 November 1852. In the evening went down with Carrie to the dyers in 8th St. below Market, then called up to see Mr. & Mrs. Ware and spent the rest of the evening there.

9 November 1852. An overcoat quite comfortable today.

14 November 1852. About 1 p.m. we had a severe snow squall. At Church of Atonement in the morning.

16 November 1852. At the office during the morning until 1/2 past 12, then went up to dinner. After which went out to Fairmount & took the boat to Manayunk. Attended to some matters of business. Then went down to see Algernon and Percival Roberts at their new forge which is situated on the Schuylkill River about half a mile below Manayunk. Found them both there and they took me through their works. Saw their engine & tilt hammer in motion, &c. They have a very fine establishment.

Went home as fast as possible, got supper, and then called over at Percival Roberts by appointment made at the forge, to go to the Walnut Street Theater to see Mr. Forrest play Richelieu. He played admirably.

17 November 1852. After tea went over to the Building Association.

19 November 1852. The lots about our house were covered with snow this morning.

21 November 1852. At the Church of the Atonement all morning.

22 November 1852. In the evening at home in private conversation with Mrs. Ludlow regarding her will. She came from New York to day to see me in relation to it, and she will remain a few days with us. Ma was taken quite sick last evening, went to bed, and was obliged to remain there all of to day. She took a violent cold, and appears to be affected with neuralgia.

24 November 1852. Ma appears to be somewhat better today.

25 November 1852. At the office in the morning until about 1/2 past 11, then went up to the Church of Atonement. Heard a very excellent sermon. In the evening Carrie, Aunt Harrison, Lydia & I went down to the family company given by Mr. & Mrs. Browning. Ma was unable to go on account of still being confined to her bed.

26 November 1852. In the evening went to the Chestnut Street theater to see Niblos grand troupe of French and Spanish dancers. All are beautiful dancers.

28 November 1852. At Church of Atonement in the morning. Mr. Maginnis arrived home safely this morning about 1/2 past 11, after an absence of 6 weeks out West.

29 November 1852. At the office until 2 1/2 p.m., then to dinner after which took a ride with J.D. Bald out as far as the Bell tavern.(18)


2 December 1852. About 10 p.m was taken quite sick and vomited freely. When I did, I felt much better.

5 December 1852. At Church of Atonement in the morning and night.

7 December 1852. In the morning I was at the Daguerreotypist(19) with Carrie getting Ida and myself taken. It was a very laborious task, and one that tired the patience considerably as Ida would not sit still and we had to make several ineffectual attempts before we succeeded in getting a picture. We were all taken together on one plate. Had two taken, one to send out with Aunt Harrison tomorrow to sister Mary Borden, and the other to retain ourselves. We also tried to have Ida taken alone but were unsuccessful and will have to try another time.

8 December 1852. Aunt Harrison left for Covington, Kentucky.

12 December 1852. At Church of Atonement in the morning and afternoon.

14 November 1852. Evening went to the Walnut Street Theater to see the opera of Martha. Was accompanied by Carrie. Madam Bishop performed the part of Martha and Miss Jaques that of Nancy. The music was superb, the house very full but not fashionable.

15 December 1852. In the evening at the Building Association.

16 December 1852. Went down to Wolbert's sale. Bought a couple of ruby engraved decanters, and some table mats. Got some oysters.

19 December 1852. At Church of Atonement in the morning and afternoon.

24 December 1852. At the office all day. We had the usual family exchange of presents this evening.

25 December 1852. A very disagreeable day for Christmas. At Church of Atonement in the morning. Mr. Maginnis dined with us and Mr. Samuel Bonnell Jr. came in late very unexpectedly and dined with us. We did not go to Edward Roberts according to custom this evening on account of the illness of his son in law, Mr. Lewis E. Ware. He has been attacked with hemorrhage of the lungs, I fear that he will never recover.

26 December 1852. At Church of Atonement in the morning. Samuel Bonnell and his sister Lallie, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Browning and Mr. William C. Boker stopped in to see us this afternoon.

27 December 1852. In the evening went around to a meeting held at the Church of Atonement convened for the purpose of devising a plan & making an effort for the payment of the Church debt, by sale of the pews at 25% discount.

28 December 1852. About 1/2 past 7 went up to the Circus to see a Christmas pantomime, the tricks of which were very good. Out about 11. Got some oysters.

30 December 1852. In the evening went down to Wolbert's sale with Carrie. Bought two salt cellars.

31 December 1852. In the evening went to the family gathering at Mrs. Algernon Roberts. Besides the family there were quite a large number of her intimate acquaintances and connections. Spent a pleasant evening dancing, &c. Had a very handsome supper at 11.


(1) Edward P. Borden, son of Francis Borden and Letitia (Erwin) Borden, the sister of J. Warner Erwin's father, Henry Erwin.

(2) Judge Robert Taylor Conrad, Whig Mayor of Philadelphia 1854-1856 Scarf and Westcott, p. 1149 and 1737.

(3) Arch Street Presbyterian Church.

(4) Second birthday of Ida Warner Erwin.

(5) Church of the Atonement (Protestant Episcopal) 17th and Summer Streets, completed and opened 1847. Scarf and Westcott, p. 1355.

(6) St. Mark's (Protestant Episcopal) Church, 1625 Locust Street, finished and consecrated 1848. Ibid. p. 1355.

(7) St. Stephen's (Protestant Episcopal) Church, 19th South 10th Street. The building, which had been used by St. Thomas Methodist congregation, was purchased and altered in 1823 after the plans of William Strickland who designed its Gothic front. Ibid. p. 1351.

(8) Edward Shippen Burd erected an elegant monument, surmounted by a group of four figures cut by the famous sculptor Steinhauser in memory of members of his family at St. Stephen's Church. Ibid. p. 1882.

(9) In 1852 Algernon Sydney Roberts and his brother Percival Roberts established rolling mills on the west bank of the Schuylkill River across from Manayunk in Lower Merion Township, Montgomery County called the Pencoyd Iron Works, named for the original Roberts plantation where the works were located. J. Warner Erwin may have been examining the original title for the company. See Lower Merion, A History, The Lower Merion Historical Society, Ardmore, PA. 1988, pp 13, 26 and 106. The Pencoyd Iron works was absorbed by the United States Steel Company and is no longer at the site which is now (1995) the Connelly Container Corporation.

(10) Colonel Owen Jones of Lower Merion Township, Montgomery County, husband of Mary Roberts (1819-1900), the daughter of Isaac Warner Roberts and Emily Thomas.

(11) Henry Clay (1777-1852) of Virginia. U.S. Congressman, U.S. Senator, Secretary of State and Whig candidate for President 1832 and 1844. Webster's Biographical Dictionary.

(12) Frances Spader, only child of Richard P. and Leonora Upjohn Spader, latter married William Kepler. Joseph I. Doran papers.

(13) Mamouth Cave, Edmondson County, Kentucky, an extraordinary natural landmark known since the late 18th Century. Encyclopedia Britannica Eleventh Edition, New York 1911, Volume 17, pp. 531-533.

(14) William Henry Harrison (1773-1841), 9th president of the United States, buried at North Bend, Ohio. Webster's Biographical Dictionary.

(15) Joseph Warner Erwin was born on September 12, 1824. This was his 28th birthday.

(16) Franklin Pierce (1804-1869), Democrat from New Hampshire, defeated Whig candidate General Winfield Scott. He was President from 1853 to 1857. Webster's Biographical Dictionary

(17) Daniel Webster (1782-1852), Whig Secretary of State 1841-1843 and 1050-1852. Unsuccessful Whig candidate for president in 1852. Webster's Biographical Dictionary

(18) The Blue Bell Inn, built in 1766 to replace an earlier thatched roof structure by the same name, at Cobbs Creek Parkway and (7303) Woodland Avenue, (once called King's Highway or Darby Road) on the east bank of Cobbs Creek. It was a well used tavern on the main road to Darby until 1914 when it was acquired by The City of Philadelphia and is now a part of Fairmount Park. Circular, Friends of the Blue Bell Inn. See also West Philadelphia Illustrated, by M. Laffitte Viera, 1903, pp. 21-15. Warner Erwin made frequent visits to the inn, but always referred to it as the Bell Tavern.

(19) It is likely that this was the studio of Robert Cornelius who opened a portrait studio on 8th Street, north of Chestnut in May 1840. Philadelphia Almanac & Citizens Manuel, Kenneth Finkel, Editor. The Library Company of Philadelphia, 1993. p. 157.