P.9479 8028 [American Sugar Refinery]   2-Aug-29
P.9479 8027 [American Sugar Refinery] Jennings print 2-Aug-29
P.9479 213544 [Apex Hosiery, 5th and Luzerne Streets, Philadelphia]   11-Aug-25
P.9479 213545 [Apex Hosiery, 5th and Luzerne Streets, Philadelphia]   11-Aug-25
P.9479 213546 [Apex Hosiery, 5th and Luzerne Streets, Philadelphia]   11-Aug-25
P.9479 7220 [Atwater Kent Manufacturing Company, 4700 Wissahickon Ave., Philadelphia]   10-Apr-29
P.9479 213350 [Atwater Kent Manufacturing Company, 4700 Wissahickon Ave., Philadelphia]   26-Jun-25
P.9479 961 [Baldwin Locomotive Works, Broad and Spring Garden Works, Philadelphia] safety film negative; 2 modern prints 1927
P.9479 8095 [Baldwin Locomotive Works, Eddystone, Pa.]   29-Jul-29
P.9479 8096 [Baldwin Locomotive Works, Eddystone, Pa.]   20-Jul-29
P.9479        12431 [Baldwin Locomotive Works, Eddystone, Pa.] PRINT ONLY; Jennings print  
P.9479 9549 [Baldwin Locomotive Works, unidentified location] Nitrate; Jennings print  
P.9479 9550 [Baldwin Locomotive Works, unidentified location] Nitrate; Jennings print  
P.9479 11643 [Brown Instrument Company, Wayne and Roberts Avenues, Philadelphia] Nitrate; modern print  
P.9479 11644 [Brown Instrument Company, Wayne and Roberts Avenues, Philadelphia] Nitrate; 3 modern prints  
P.9479 321 [Campbell's Soup Company factory in Camden, N.J. from the Benjamin Franklin Bridge over the Delaware River] Safety negative 4-Oct-30
P.9479 MJ-23 [Campbell's Soup Company factory in Camden, N.J.] Safety negative; 2 modern prints; 2 Jennings prints 12-Aug-37
P.9479 322 [Campbell's Soup Company factory in Camden, N.J.] Safety negative; modern print 4-Oct-30
P.9479    11638 [Dixie Cup factory, Easton, Pa.]  Safety negative; modern print 5-Feb-31
P.9479    11639 [Dixie Cup factory, Easton, Pa.]  Safety negative; Jennings print 5-Feb-31
P.9479 8256 [Esterbrook Steel Pen Manufacturing Company, Delaware Avenue and Cooper Street, Camden, N.J.] Glass 23-May-13
P.9479 11556 [Fred Grundy Iron Works Inc., bank gate, 4443 Bodine Street, Philadelphia] Nitrate; modern print  
P.9479 11553 [Fred Grundy Iron Works Inc., doorway, 4443 Bodine Street, Philadelphia] Nitrate  
P.9479 115578 [Fred Grundy Iron Works Inc., doorway, 4443 Bodine Street, Philadelphia] Safety negative  
P.9479 11552 [Fred Grundy Iron Works Inc., interior showing table, 4443 Bodine Street, Philadelphia] Nitrate 28-Jan-31
P.9479 11554 [Fred Grundy Iron Works Inc., interior showing tellers' windows, 4443 Bodine Street, Philadelphia]    
P.9479 11555 [Fred Grundy Iron Works Inc., iron grate, 4443 Bodine Street, Philadelphia] Nitrate  
P.9479 11557 [Fred Grundy Iron Works Inc., stairway railings, 4443 Bodine Street, Philadelphia] Nitrate  
P.9479 19855 [J.B. Van Sciver factory building, Camden, N.J.] modern print
P.9479 213326 [Kieckhefer Plant, Delair , NJ] 2 modern prints 27-Jun-25
P.9479 213327 [Kieckhefer Plant, Delair , NJ] 2 modern prints  
P.9479 212965 [R.C.A. Victor Talking Machine Co. plant in Camden, N.J. from the Benjamin Franklin Bridge]    
P.9479 MJ-25 [Rowland's Shovel Works, Frankford Avenue, Holmesburg, Pa.] Safety negative disagreement 
P.9479 4695 [Warren J. Watson factory, Tulip Street and Aramingo Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa.] 2 modern prints 1-May-28
P.9479 4697 [Warren J. Watson factory, Tulip Street and Aramingo Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa.] modern print 1-May-28
P.9479 213694 [Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company factory, 30th and Walnut Streets, Philadelphia] modern print 14-Sep-25
P.9479 4324 [Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company factory, 30th and Walnut Streets, Philadelphia] modern print 12-Mar-28
P.9479 2596 [Whitehall Cement factory, 53rd and Mascher, Philadelphia] ? 27-Jul
P.9479 2597 [Whitehall Cement factory, 53rd and Mascher, Philadelphia] modern print; Jennings Print 27-Jul