A User's Guide to the Franklin and Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Companies Database

This page is designed as a reference aid for searching the fielded data compliled from these sets of nineteenth-century fire insurance surveys. There are thirty fields, each of which is identified and then explained below in the words used as guides during data-entry.

Click on any of the links below for further information on a given field.

[PLN] Policy Number [ARE] Area (within a county)
[PLC] Policy Number Continuation [NWD] Neighborhood or Ward
[PLB] Policy Book Number [BNO] Number of Bldgs Insured on This Survey Number
[OWN] Owner's Name [KPL] Total Amount in Thousands
[X] First Miscellaneous Field [FRX] Dimensions, Front & Depth
[MDY] Month/Day/Year [Y] Second Miscellaneous Field
[STY] Number of Stories [ICO] Insurance Company
[BTP] Building Type [PLQ] Plan Quality
[SDC] Side or Corner [PTP] Plan Type
[STR] Street Name [RSV] Years of Earliest & Latest Survey Updates
[XST] Cross Street [COM] Comments
[ADN] Address Number [DOE] Date/Month/Year Entry was First Entered in Database
[ADC] Address Number Continued [WHO] Intials of Data Entry
[RAW] Address as Given [ARC] Architect's Name
[COU] County (2-letter abbreviation) [OTH] Code for Source of Data

Field Name: ICO: insurance company
Type: Character
Original Width (no. of characters): 4
Required Field: Yes

* Either PA for Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Company or FFI for Franklin Fire Insurance Company.

Field Name: PLN: policy number (same as survey number)
Type: Numeric
Original Width (no. of characters): 5
Required Field: Yes

* This is a numeric field. Only digits will be accepted
* These should be unique numbers, but in the very rare cases where different policies share the same number, you can't differentiate them in this field. You'll have to do that in the next, PLC.

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Field Name: PLC: policy number continuation
Type: Character
Original Width (no. of characters): 3
Required Field: No

* Where multiple policy numbers are combined in one survey, this is where the highest number goes, as if following a dash.
* This is a character field, and can be left blank. (When numeric fields are left blank a zero will be assigned automatically.)
* Generally the goal will be to make a separate record for each policy number, with no consecutive grouping by using this field, but some entries made early will reflect this previous shortcut.
* Where consecutive policies are for identical houses in a row, and for the same owner, this is where a grouping can be indicated, BUT, the rest of the policy should be for a single policy number, not the whole group. This PLC should be used to indicate this only for the first in such a series.

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Field Name: PLB: policy book number, or 0 meaning a loose policy
Type: Numeric
Original Width (no. of characters): 3
Required Field: Yes

* No leading zeroes are required, and hitting the return key will immediately position single or two-digit numbers correctly within the field.
* Be sure to hit the numerical "0" rather than the alphabetical "O" or "o".

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Field Name: OWN: owner's name in upper case letters, last name first, comma, space, first name.
Type: Character
Original Width (no. of characters): 30
Required Field: Yes

* Since this will be alphabetized, re-order things like "trustees of ..." or "estate of ...", putting them at the end if you think they're necessary.
* Use abbreviations wherever possible, even in first names, i.e. "WM, JAS, GEO, etc." No periods need be used for abbreviations or initials.
* Titles like "MD, REV" should follow names.
* if you need more space, use an asterisk near the end of this field and continue in field X, or a "#" and continue in field Y.

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Field Name: X: first miscellaneous or continuation field, keyed by "*"
Type: Character
Original Width (no. of characters): 25
Required Field: No

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Field Name: MDY: date (month,day,year) policy was written Type: Date
Original Width (no. of characters): 8
Required Field: Yes

* if date on cover and on inside are different, use the one inside, or the one you think was done at the same time the description was written.
* the year will be given with two digits, but a 19th-century date is assumed.

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Field Name: STY: number of stories Type: Numeric
Original Width (no. of characters): 3
Required Field: Yes

* half(c)story given as ".5"
* self(c)justifying: hitting the return after typing a digit will add the ".0" and move to next field.
* take as described in policy unless obviously wrong.

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Field Name: BTP: building type, abbreviated, no period
Type: Character
Original Width (no. of characters): 12
Required Field: Yes

* This is typically found in the first paragraph. Where mutltiple buildings are insured on a single policy (one policy number, not necessarily one sheet of paper), the most valuable structure should be given first ending, separated from the next most valuable with commas, and a "+" where important additional structures remain. Use a continuation field like X, Y, or COM if you fell it is merited.
* Some common abbreviations are: DW, DWX3, STORE, ST&DW, CH, SCHL, BARN, STBL, CHSE, OFFICES, WRHSE, FCTRY * As long as it is clear what you intend, we can later adopt, unify usage, or correct whatever abbreviations you use. But adherence to categories will be more important here than verbatim description. Thus three "stores" or three "shops" will be STX3, a "storehouse" and a "warehouse" will both be WRHSE.
* Don't be concerned by separate(c)sounding parts of a house, like "piazza, backbuilding, kitchen, or bathhouse" at the rear of a dwelling. We'll let them be comprised in the single description "DW".
* if it is a dwelling plus a store or some other combination with a dwelling, put the other thing first, as in ST&DW, OR TAV&DW.
* give the total number of buildings insured under a single policy number, i.e DWX2 if two are insured under one policy number. If they each have a different number assigned, list each as one.

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Field Name: SDC: side or corner Type: Character
Original Width (no. of characters): 4
Required Field: No

* north side of street in STR is NSD.
* southwest corner is SWC.
* one can also have NESD, EC.

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Field Name: STR: street name as given in policy
Type: Character
Original Width (no. of characters): 15
Required Field: No

* Mandatory only for Philadelphia properties (present day boundaries). Where certain of differing current name, give that instead, followed by closing bracket, "]".

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Field Name: XST: cross street
Type: Character
Original Width (no. of characters): 15
Required Field: No

* if on a corner, this is where you put the name of the second street.

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Field Name: ADN: address number
Type: Character
Original Width (no. of characters): 4
Required Field: No

* if block known enough to give hundred, but no more, use periods for tens and digit place, i.e., between 9th and 10th is "9.."
* this must be manually justified: space to the appropriate starting point so that digits always end up farthest to the right.
* if it's the highest even number or the highest odd number in a block, i.e., at the corner, substitute "99" or "98" for the last two digits. Thus, nec (North East Corner) 9th and Spruce would be 899, sec (South East Corner) would be 898.

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Field Name: ADC: address number continued
Type: Character
Original Width (no. of characters): 3
Required Field: No

* must be insured under a single policy number.
* just needs last two digits.

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Field Name: RAW: address as given
Type: Character
Original Width (no. of characters): 32
Required Field: No

* where address will need later translation by laying off distance from corner, this is needed.
* express that as "22'E/8th" meaning "22 feet east of 8th Street".
* if modern address, street and number, are fully supplied, RAW is unneccesary, unless old number is also here.
* if old number, pre(c)1857 renumbering, is given, start this field as "ON=" and then give old number, follow this with ";" and then parameters for exact location.
* if odd extended description, give verbatim, but abbreviate. "/"=of, turn yards into feet as ', miles="MI".

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Field Name: COU: county; two(c)character abbreviation for state, followed by two characters for county
Type: Character
Original Width (no. of characters): 4
Required Field: Yes

* For Philadelphia county,the same as present(c)day Philadelphia city, "PAPH."
* Otherwise "PA, NJ, DE, ME, DC, NY, VA" for states. "CH, DE, MO, BU" for Pa. counties nearest Phila. (Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, Bucks). We'll assemble a list for others.

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Field Name: ARE: area, i.e. smaller area within county
Type: Character
Original Width (no. of characters): 10
Required Field: Only for Philadelphia Properties

* Within Philadelphia this MUST be one of ten abbreviations:

* Outside Philadelphia this will be name of township or village.

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Field Name: NWD: neighborhood or ward, smallest named locale
Type: Character
Original Width (no. of characters): 6
Required Field: No

* In Philadelphia, subdivision smaller than ten city areas, ward as given, neighborhood name, or district.
* Outside Philadelphia, place description smaller than county and town, if there is one.

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Field Name: BNO: number of buildings insured on this one survey number
Type: Numeric
Original Width (no. of characters): 2
Required Field: Yes

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Field Name: KPL: total amount, in thousands, for all the buildings insured under a given policy number
Type: Numeric
Original Width (no. of characters): 4
Required Field: No

* This has one decimal place for hundreds. For $50 or more, round up to the next 0.1
* This is usually found on the cover of loose policies. In bound policies this is normally the highest dollar amount in the left margin at the beginning of the policy.
* This will also position correctly with a hard return. It sometimes is deducible from adding the parts insured separately or from stray notations on the plan or correspondence.
* If it is unavailable, hit the return and zero will be assigned automatically.

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Field Name: FRX: dimensions, front x depth
Type: Character
Original Width (no. of characters): 32
Required Field: No

* rounded down to nearest foot * front first, followed by "X" then depth * depth is of widest part of main volume, i.e., in row house, not including piazza and backbuilding(c)(c)this is how it is given in the policy

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Field Name: Y: second miscellaneous or continuation field
Type: Character
Original Width (no. of characters): 32
Required Field: No

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Field Name: PLQ: plan quality
Type: Character
Original Width (no. of characters): 7
Required Field: Yes

* "G, F, H(c)G, CRU, ARC, OUTL, NONE, N(c)P" for good, fine, homemade but good, crude, architect(c)made, outline only, none given, none given but one for identical prop in nearby policy.

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Field Name: PTP: plan type
Type: Character
Original Width (no. of characters): 10
Required Field: No

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Field Name: RSV: years of earliest and latest updates on survey
Type: Character
Original Width (no. of characters): 7
Required Field: No

* four digit year, and if multiple updates, then dash, then last two digits of last one, i.e., "1858-75".

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Field Name: COM: comments
Type: Character
Original Width (no. of characters): 32
Required Field: No

* last chance continuation field, keyed by @
* or comment

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Field Name: DOE: date (mm/dd/yy) record first entered in database
Type: Date
Original Width (no. of characters): 8
Required Field: Yes

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Field Name: WHO: initials of person entering data
Type: Character
Original Width (no. of characters): 3
Required Field: Yes

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Field Name: ARC: architect's name (last, first initial) if known or suspected
Type: Character
Original Width (no. of characters): 13
Required Field: No

* add "?" at end if uncertain.
* add " at end if architect's name given in policy.
* add "alt" at end if architect's name is for alteration rather than for original building.

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Field Name: OTH: code for source of data
Type: Character
Original Width (no. of characters): 2
Required Field: Yes

* "C" means taken from cards.
* "O" means taken from original survey at HSP.
* "SU" means transfered from early version, SURV.DBF
* "PL" means transfered from sampling database, POLL.DBF

url = explic2.html; last rev. = 21 July 1999