Old Academy, undated

Erected 1749; "The College of Philada." 1753; "The University" 1779

West side of Fourth Street below Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

The Old Academy, enclosed by a high red brick wall, is a 2 1/2-storey gray building with a small steeple sporting a weathervane. The wall also encloses a smaller gray building to the left. To the right is a 3 1/2-storey red brick building(or three row buildings), not identified, facing on the alley adjacent to the wall. Three men in stockings, britches and tricorn hats pass by. A woman and child are also visible. An African-American man to the left pushes a loaded wheelbarrow. A horse and carriage with folded hood pass by. The trees are in full leaf.

Location: Library Company of Philadelphia
call number: P.8730.3


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updated by BMC July 18, 2000