Philadelphia Library- Interior, 1878

Fifth and Library Streets, Philadelphia, Pa.

There are three levels on view in this scene-the street level, a balcony to the right, and above that a balcony that goes around the entire room. Every level is completely surrounded by bookcases, full from floor to ceiling. The cases are protected by leaded glass doors. The floor is wooden. The check-out desk is to the right and has a green curtain installed to give privacy at counter level. A lamp stands on the counter. To the left is a free-standing display case. Several framed paintings and busts are in the library. Only three chairs are on view in the large room and no tables are visible for use of the library's patrons. Sixteen adults are in the scene.

Location: Library Company of Philadelphia
call number: P.2298.151 /evans/lcp151.html
updated by BMC July 18, 2000