Laniganville, Girard Avenue, 1884

Girard Avenue and 37th Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

The Girard Avene horsecar on its way to Memorial Hall crosses the lower margin of this rural looking scene. Two parallel roads travel vertically. At the left is 37th Street which appears to be a raised dirt road. The parallel road is the two-track railroad with a train advancing toward the viewer. It has just come under a railroad bridge in the distance and a train is traveling on that as well, heading in the direction of the Zoological Garden at the left margin. Telegraph poles are strung out along this railroad track. A cluster of dwellings on either side of the railroad tracks comprise Laniganville.

Location: Library Company Philadelphia
call number: P.2298.135 /evans/plc135.html
updated by BMC July 18, 2000