Southeast corner of Twelfth and Locust Streets, 1883

Twelfth and Locust Streets, Philadelphia, Pa.

There is a mix of modest townhouses visible in this commercial district. The corner edifice is two stories, made of wood. Coal, oil, segars and tobacco are sold here. There are boxes and barrels outside on the sidewalk. There is no awning on the frame which extends over the sidewalk on the Twelfth Street side of the building. Lager beer is sold from a townhouse on Twelfth. The low yellow frame building is the "Palace Segar Store." Adjacent to the three townhouses on Locust Street at the next corner "Wine & Liquor" are sold. Horsecar tracks are visible on Twelfth Street. There are numerous adult and children in the scene, five of whom are African-Americans.

Location: Library Company Philadelphia
call number: P.2298.120 /evans/lcp120.html
updated by BMC august 03, 2000