Last Religious Service and Love feast Monday evening March 7, 1881 (Torn down 1881)
East side of Eighth above Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
A massive gray building with classical columns sits behind a high wrought iron fence. Three doors give entry at street level. To the right is a red brick townhouse. Next to that is a four-storey building housing "C. Ernest Manufactory of Ivory Goods." "Station____" is also advertised on the awning which reaches to the curb over the sidewalk. To the left of the church in #219 is "B. A. Smith Carpets and Furniture Warerooms." Weekly or monthly payments are allowed. A #13 horsecar, headquartered at the Germantown Depot and traversing Green Street passes in view. Over forty people, adult and juvenile, are in the scene.
Location: Library Company of Philadelphia
call number: P.2298.112