Market Street at 22nd Street., Philadelphia, Pa.
A wide expanse of street is on view. In the foreground is the Market Street Ferry horsecar. Its base is the New York Depot. To the right is a #10 horsecar, also from the New York Depot, its destination West Philadelphia via Market Street. To the left coming down the road ramp is a team of six mules, harnessed singly, with a rider in a red shirt on the third mule. Behind the team is a P.R.R. blue boxcar, #2210. In the background is a two storey building selling "Feed." Passing in front of it is a delivery wagon for "Wanamaker Brown Oak Hall." At the corner, painted on a wooden fence, are the words " Wanamaker Oak Hall Clothing." The building on the corner, a two-storey red brick with mansard roof houses "J. Kelley, Gal. Iron Cornices, Brackets, Caps & Slate." The building is numbered # 2125 and #2123. The double building to the left is advertised "To Let, E. P. Morris." In the background are several huge storage tanks(?). There are several pedestrians in the scene.
Location: Library Company of Philadelphia
call number: P.2298.109