Dutch Reformed Church, (Demolished 1881) 1881

Last service in this Church Feb. 27, 1881

Northeast corner of Tenth and Filbert Streets, Philadelphia, Pa.

A massive gray classical building faces Tenth Street. It is surrounded by a high wrought iron fence with stone pillars surmounted by four gas lamps at the gates. To the left, continuing along Tenth Street, is a three-storey building housing a "House Painting" business and "Eakins Gold Foil" which might have been a dental supply business. On the side of the building is painted "C. E. Blumner & Co., Fresco and Ornamental Painting. Scrip Lettering, Glazing, Calcimining." Behind the church, on Filbert Street in #929, is "Toy Bros. Plumbing." "Plumber, Gas and Steam Fitter, Lead, Iron and Terra Cotta Pipe" were also advertised. The adjacent building housed "C. Lippincott Soda Fountain." There is a single set of horsecar tracks on each street. The Filbert Street horsecar operates along 18th and 20th Streets. The Tenth Street trolley also runs on Eleventh Street. There are three adult pedestrians in this scene and a large tree without leaves.

Location: Library Company of Philadelphia
call number: P.2298.106


http://brynmawr.edu/iconog /evans/lcp106.html
updated by BMC July 18, 2000