South side of Callowhill St. above Thirteenth, 1881

Callowhill Street at 13th Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

The scene features a row of twelve 2 1/2-storey attached buildings, each housing a business. Beginning at the left on the corner, facing Callowhill Street is "Magees Hotel" which sells ale. Next is an empty storefront holding posters for "Barnum's Great Show." The next sign reads "Berks and Montgomery Co." This is followed by "Pottsville House" which serves beer. "C. Theis" sells lager beer in the adjacent establishment. "Mr. Bradly" sells oysters in the store to the right and has a four-level display rack out front on the sidewalk. He is followed by Sieholts Philadelphia House;" then "Berks Co. House;" a "Dining Saloon" which serves oysters; another "Dining Saloon;" "Parker House;" and finally, "Depot Fluer's Best Brewing." Several establishments have barrels piled high curbside in front. A horsecar originating from the Baltimore Deport travels on 13th Street. A second horsecar travels on Callowhill Street. There are numerous adults in the scene. There are also two telegraph poles. Three hitching posts are in view with a carriage is hitched to one of them.

Location: Library Company of Philadelphia
call number: P.2298.104 /evans/lcp104.html
updated by BMC July 18, 2000