Nazareth M. E. Church, Oct. 1882

Founded A. D. 1818, Rebuilt 1827, Enlarged 1835, Rebuilt 1887-1888.

Thirteenth Street near Vine Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

A large stone edifice is distinguished by two sets of double wooden doors at the top of a double marble staircase with a wrought iron railing, fronted by a high wrought iron fence at street level. There is a fanlight at the attic level. There is a white marble stone installed between the second and third stories. Between the two staircases, at street level, is another door. To the left of the church are 2 three-storey red brick attached buildings with shops at street level. One, #242, advertises "Notions and Trimmings" on its awning. To the right of the church are more red brick townhouses. One carries a sign "Hinkle (illegible.)" A green horsecar travels the single set of tracks. It advertises its route-13th & 15th Streets., and originates at the Baltimore Depot.

Location: Library Company of Philadelphia
call number: P.2298.103 /evans/lcp103.html
updated by BMC July 18, 2000