Southwest corner of Thirteenth and Locust Streets, Philadelphia, Pa.
General Patterson's house is a very grand two and one-half storey mansion with attached greenhouse. It is fronted by a low wrought-iron(?) decorative fence which changes to a low stone fence extending a great distance to the corner and around the corner, protecting the private grounds. The house is far left of center and faces Locust Street. To its left are two other unidentified massive building. A single set of tracks for horsecars travels along Locust Street. A yellow car, marked "13 & 15 Street" is on the tracks. Traveling from the opposite direction is a closed passenger coach with matching white horses. A carriage stepping stone and fire hydrant(?) are at curbside. Nine pedestrians, male and female, are in view. The scene is of autumn and the many trees have brown leaves..
Location: Library Company of Philadelphia
call number: P.2298.100