Northside of Market Street between Juniper and Thirteenth Streets, 1880

Market Street between Juniper and Thirteenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

To the left is a mostly obscured building. It appears to advertise "Thorndike Liquors." Next is a 3 1/2-storey edifice, #1321, housing "H. C. Elder Hardware," including nails and tools. A ladder and scissors grinder wheel stand at curbside. Next is a 2 1/2-storey "Soap & Candle Manufactory" owned by Mr. Dallet. The building carries a "For Sale" sign at the second storey. Next is an unidentified wooden 1 1/2 -storey building. This is adjacent to a two-storey building selling or making segars. A wooden Indian is at the door. This is followed by a 1 1/2-storey wooden building advertised as the "Great Western Hotel Barber Shop." A red and white barber's pole is at curbside. Next right is the Great West Hotel, a 4 1/2 storey building featuring an awning, its frame crossing the entire breadth of the front of the building, and extending to curbside. The awning is unrolled half-way. Blue and white striped awnings shade the six second storey windows. The last building to the right is the "Louis Presti___ Piano W___" business. A horsecar rides the tracks. It is operated by the Heston[ville] Co.; its destination is West Philadelphia via Market Street. There are a telegraph pole and a street light in the scene. The bottom of the telegraph pole is adorned with red and white barber pole stripes.

Location: Library Company of Philadelphia
call number: P.2298.097 /evans/lcp097.html
updated by BMC July 18, 2000