Front and Master Streets, Kennsington (sic)-Old Commissioners Hall, 1879

Front and Master Streets, Philadelphia, Pa.

The two-storey Commissioners Hall with cupola is the central feature of this scene. The edifice bears "For Sale" signs and also across the front signs advertising "First Grand FAIR Schuyler Post 51 GAR [Grand Army of the Republic] Aid of Decoration Day." The building sits in a park-like setting and is surrounded by building materials, including large and small pipes. In the distant background to the left and right are other large red brick buildings and a horsecar. The car is headed for Richmond. There are two small covered sheds on wheels bearing signs "3 Dist." Two workmen are in the scene and several women including one with a child. The seven trees are bare of leaves. The red brick sidewalk is trimmed with stone curbing. Large flat stone slabs mark the crosswalks.

Location: Library Company of Philadelphia
call number: P.2298.090 /evans/lcp090.html
updated by BMC July 18, 2000