Southwest corner of Fifteenth Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, 1880

Torn down May 1880

Fifteenth Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa.

Central to this scene are the buildings of the "Farrell Safes" business. The firm manufactured "Safe Work and Franklinite Steel Bankers Chests." The firm was located near the tracks and rail yard of the Pennsylvania rail yard. A puffing engine and several cars, some blue, some white are in view on different tracks. A flagman waves a red flag. A yellow and green horsecar drawn by a galloping pair, one white, one black, and destined for the Baltimore Depot via Thirteenth & Fifteenth Streets is at the crossroads. A row of modest red brick homes runs parallel to the Farrell buildings. In the distance a man drives a team of mules. At the corner of the red brick sidewalk, a lady and gentleman observe the scene.

Location: Library Company of Philadelphia
call number: P.2298.087 /evans/lcp087.html
updated by BMC July 18, 2000