Northwest corner of Jane and Sixth Street, 1880

Jane(also Jayne) and Sixth Streets, Philadelphia, Pa.

The "Shontz & Brown's Falstaff Hotel," a corner building, faces Jayne(sic) Street. "Arthur's Oyster Bay" restaurant had removed from the Sixth Street space and left a sign in the window of its new address at the southeast corner of 7th and Jayne Streets. Next along Sixth Street is a wide passage to a brewery and a segar store. Next is #22 "Thurgland." In the background is "Megargee Paper & Rag House." A yellow horsecar, drawn by a pair, comes into the scene heading for York. There are car tracks on both streets, a lamp post on the corner, and several adult figures in the scene. Brick sidewalks with stone curbing and crosswalks are visible.

Location: Library Company of Philadelphia
call number: P.2298.086 /evans/lcp086.html
updated by BMC July 18, 2000