Sixth and Arch Streets, Philadelphia, Pa.
A 3 1/2-storey red brick building, facing Arch Street, houses "Lipps & Fulweiler Segar Manufactory." The building has a fanlight on the third storey side facade. A white masonry stringcourse encircles the building between the second and third stories. The building houses "Gleason's Ready Made Show Cards, Ready Made Signs, Awning Wings, Curtains and Oil Cloth Signs." A wooden Indian stands by the door on Sixth Street. A large sign on the side of the building advertises "Our Brand, The Corner Havana Segars 5 cents." Als on on the Sixth Street side is a Fruit Stand protected by an awning reaching to curbside. Continuing to the left, along Sixth Street is a low, two-storey red brick building housing several businesses. There are a barber, with barber pole; "M. Romer Mens Furnishing Goods, Shirts Made to Order, Sign Painting, Flags and Banners, Awnings", and an "Aquarium." In the background is a very tall building holding "Rodgers Printer." Horsecar tracks run on both streets.
Location: Library Company of Philadelphia
call number: P.2298.083