Torn down in 1892. Enlarged the Pennsylvania Station 1892 and 1893.
Northwest corner Market and Merrick Street or West Penn Square, Philadelphia, Pa.
A four-storey gray building, titled "Central Coffee House Block," sits on the corner, facing Market Street. The frame of an awning extends to curbside. A sign "Condensed Milk" hangs from the frame, and behind it, on the building is painted "1427 Canfields Condensed Milk." The American flag flies from the roof. A horse and wagon stand in front of the building on Market Street. On the side of the wagon is the sign "J. T. Carter, Upper Darby, Del. Co., Dairies." A man is delivering or picking up milk cans sitting curbside. There are two horsecar tracks in the scene, both running along Market Street. They go in opposite directions at Merrick Street. Adjacent to the coffee house, facing Merrick Street are two red brick townhouses which share a common set of stairs. A third townhouse is separated by a narrow plot of land. There are two separate doors to the latter property. To the far right a #14 horsecar comes into view with "Market St." painted on its side.
Location: Library Company of Philadelphia
call number: P.2298.076