Buttonwood Hotel at Darby, torn down and rebuilt 1876

Darby Road, Philadelphia, Pa.

A substantial red brick building stands on a corner. There is a second-storey porch on two sides which also shades the sidewalk. To the left is a three-storey white townhouse. There is a tall water pump at the curb with a bucket and a trough. A man in a red shirt carries a water bucket. A sign on the porch railing advertises "Buttonwood Hotel." "Boyd's Celebrated Ice Cream" is also advertised. A yellow and green horsecar, pulled by a team, travels on its track. It is marked "Darby Road" and "Chesnut St." In addition to its driver and the many passengers there are seven additional adults in the scene.The many trees have leaves.

Location: Library Company of Philadelphia
call number: P.2298.062


http://brynmawr.edu/iconog /evans/lcp062.html
updated by BMC July 18, 2000