Old Log Cabin on the Wissahickon, 1874

Torn down 1874 Wissahickon, Philadelphia, Pa.

This very wide building appears to have a stone first floor and a clapboard second floor. A two-storey porch crosses the full width of the building. The first floor continues farther along to the right to a wing housing the "Drinking Room" and the "Ladies Saloon." Also advertised are "Refreshments" and "Ice Cream." Continuing to the right is a low open shed to tie up horses and carriages. This scene is viewed from the water. On the right, across the dirt road and on the creek shore are two bears chained to upright poles. There is a rowboat in the water tied up to the riverbank. The many trees are in leaf. The business is advertised by a sign at the top of a two-storey pole marked "Old Log Cabin Hotel."

Location: Library Company of Philadelphia
call number: P.2298.060


http://brynmawr.edu/iconog /evans/lcp060.html
updated by BMC July 18, 2000