Philadelphia, Pa.
Several business are identified in this scene. Beginning at the left is "A. Smith, Druggist." Next right is "Mahan Philadelphia Fashion." This is followed by L. Benkert Boot Store in # 209. Columbia House, a hotel (possibly a hotel), is a large building which also houses "Ferguson & Bro." and E. G. Dorsey, Tailor." "Dr. Jaynes Phila. Arcade" houses "Dr. Davidsons Arcade Baths". This wide building is followed by the narrow "Bolivar House," a hotel(?). A handsome, wide white building (Chestnut Street Theater) is next. The corner building houses Bloods Dispatch and Schenks Pulmonic Syrup.
A man runs to catch the yellow 10th Street horsecar. Also visible are a passenger coach and pair and an open delivery wagon drawn by a team of two horses. There are many pedestrians in the scene, including a newsboy.
Location: Library Company of Philadelphia
call number: P.2298.044