Northwest corner of Race and Fifth Streets, 1888

Philadelphia, Pa.

The North American College of Health is located in the 3 1/2-storey corner brick building with the widow's walk on the roof. It advertises "Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills." An awning extends to the curb at the corner. There are several black poles in this scene which appear to be additional supposrts for awnings. Adjacent and to the left are two handsome red brick townhomes. The trees have their summer leaves. Large stone slabs mark the crosswalks. There are several adults in the scene and one child.

There is an additional date in the picture--1844. This is probably the time represented in the scene and 1888 is the year the artist created the picture.


Location: Library Company of Philadelphia
call number: P.2298.040 /evans/lcp040.html
updated by BMC July 18, 2000