Northeast corner of Broad Street and Fairmount Avenue, 1872

Philadelphia, Pa.

The central building in the image stands on the corner and carries signs for "Broad St." and "Coates St." To the left, on Broad Street stand seven or eight covered delivery wagons, all but one unhorsed. Possibly this was the area of a livery stable. To the far right a horsecar destined for Green & Coates Streets comes into view. There are numeous adults in the scene. A free-standing sign on the corner has a white horse painted on it. Possibly this advertises the corner building as an inn or restaurant.

"Old Coates Street became Fairmount in 1873, between the Delaware and Schuylkill rivers."

from "Street Names of Philadelphia", by Robert I. Alotta, p. 59. Ref. Uy8/99665/O.


Location: Library Company of Philadelphia
call number: P.2298.034 /evans/lcp034.html
updated by BMC July 18, 2000