Philadelphia, Pa.
At the left a man wearing an apron and hat stands in the doorway of #234. There is no indication of the business conducted in that building. Next, to the right, #236, is "J. Mitchell Dealer in Flour, Forwarding & Commission House." The bay doors are open revealing numerous barrels. Continuing to the right is #238, "John Kilpatrick, Flour & Grain Carter." This is in the same one-storey building as #240, "Joseph Beitler, Best Qualities of Coal." An alley separates #242 which holds "D. S. Osborne & Co. Manufactory of Reapers & Mowers." There is also a sign on that building for "E. J. Leeds, Flour and Grain Carters." There is a pile of coal in front of #240. A man stands in front of #238. A child runs along in front of him carrying a package. A fire hydrant(?) is at the curb.
Location: Library Company of Philadelphia
call number: P.2298.019