Philadelphia, Pa.
The prominent feature is the green corner building housing "Josiah Bryan & Co., Doors, Shutters, Sash." Also advertised are "Window Frames," and "Mouldings." The building bears the numbers 258 and 260. The name R. J. Riddle & Co. is carved at the roof level. To the left in the next building is a business owned by "Worley & James." Next left are #250 and #252, "L. Knowles & Co. Flour." There is also painted below the words "Hops" and "Salt." Several of these buildings have large open bay doors, permitting entrance to loading docks. A covered wagon with horse stands at the curb. The words, "To Hire," are painted on the side. Four adults are in the scene and two children. The Vine Street horsecar tracks are in view, as is a telegaph pole and gas lamp. Crosswalks are defined by very large stone slabs.
Location: Library Company of Philadelphia
call number: P.2298.018