Edwin Greble, 1883

Torn down July 1886.

South side of Chestnut west of Seventeenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

The buildings housing the cemetery monuments and mantel business of Edwin Greble are on view. There is a large yard next to the office building and in front of a three-storey manufactory to display the company's products. They are marble obelisks, crosses, human figures, urns, pedestals, and slabs. There is also a small wooden outhouse on the far right side of the open exhibit space. Painted on the rear buildings are the words: "Philada Steam Marble Works. Estab. 1829. Marble Mantel Works. Mantels of Every Description." The narrower building facing Chestnut Street has "Mantle Ware Room" painted on it. The name "E. Greble" is painted on both buildings. The property is fenced off from Chestnut Street by a wrought iron fence. There is also a decorative wrought-iron balcony on the second floor of the ware room building. Horsecar tracks run along Chestnut Street.

Drawn for Ferdinand J. Dreer, 1851.

Location: Library Company of Philadelphia
call number: P.2298.010


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updated by BMC July 18, 2000