On the left is the white five-storey "Washington House" hotel with
blue and white striped awnings in the windows of the 2nd and 3rd floors. There
is decorative wrought-iron(?) or lattice work at the second floor level. To
the right is the business of Charles Goodman. He offers dry goods, shawls and
skirts.There are also blue and white striped awnings on the third storey windows.
The next building houses Esler Segars. Also advertised on the front of the building
are "canes" and "fancy goods." The windows of this building all have shutters.
The fourth building is shared by the "Sunday Transcript" and "Scheller
Jewelry." It features a second storey wrought iron roofed balcony. "Gents
Furnishing Goods" are also named on the awning installed over the sidewalk.
The hotel and segar store also have the sidewalks protected by awnings, as does
the fifth building which is on the corner. The frame for an awning over the
sidewalk is installed on the Goodman building, but the awning is not in place.
The fifth building houses the "North American," a newspaper and "Wood
Snyder, Engineers". This building also has five stories, but the roof line
is higher than the other four. Some windows of each of the buildings are open.
There is a yellow horsecar running on tracks in front of the North American.
It is marked "West Philadelphia," "Fairmount Park," "Chestnut and Walnut" and
"12." It has 6 passengers. A coach with two horses stands before the hotel.
There is one couple on the sidewalk; two ladies together; and twelve men, four
of them in pairs.
Drawn for Ferdinand J. Dreer, 1851.
Location: Library Company of Philadelphia
call number: P.2298.003