Hotels & Restaurants- Bingham through Green's
* = Removed by Donor
- <New Bingham Hotel>, TAC
- Bingham House, <2319>
- The Green and Blue Restaurant New Bingham Hotel,TAC
- Bingham Roof Garden, TAC
- Bingham House, TAC <22> Copyright 1907 [RB]
- Lobby-New Bingham Hotel, David B. Provan, Mgr., CC
- Bookbinders - 121-23-25 Walnut Street, [TOF/TOB]
- Cathay Restaurant, 1221-23 Chestnut St., ASPC [EB] [TOB]
- A Childs' Place in Philadelphia, SPCC <11560>
- The New Palm Room,Colonnade Hotel, TAC [TOB]
- Continental Hotel 9th & Chestnut Sts., 320
- Continental Hotel, Ninth and Chestnut Streets, CTC A-17140
- Roof Garden, Continental Hotel, CH
- Roof Garden, Continental Hotel [differing view], CH
- Roof Garden, Continental Hotel [differing view], CH
- A Scene in the Golden Dragon, 1526 Market Street, Philadelphia's most
beautiful Restaurant, ECKC [UB] [TOB]
- Green's Hotel, Chestnut and 8th Streets,PCDC/CTC R-70947 [EB] [TOB]
- Writing and Smoking Room, Green's Hotel, Chestnut and 8th Streets,
PCDC/CTC R-70948 [EB] [TOB]
- Dining Room Green's Hotel, DPC [EB]
- Green's Hotel, Eighth and Chestnut [The Main Dining Room, The Tea Room],
AAS <117914> [EB]
- Lobby and Writing Room, Green's Hotel, AAS <118341>[EB] [TOB]
- Blanks' 1024-26 Chestnut Street, Dining Room, [UB] [USB]
- Blue Bell Inn on the Darby Road, WPCC [BB]
- Bourse Cafeteria-4th St. above Chestnut,
- Buttercup Inn, Mt. Airy, WPCC [RB]
- The Cabin Cafe 102 So. 13th St., [RP]
- Cafe L'Aiglon, Chestnut and Fifteenth Streets, Corner of Main Dining
Room, [UB]
- Cafe L'Aiglon, Chestnut and Fifteenth Sts., Corner of Ladies Dining
Room, [UB] [USB]
- Childs' 706 Chestnut St., BPP [USB]
- Hotel Colonial Spruce at Eleventh Street, LPN [EB]
- Continental Hotel 9th and Chestnut Sts., [RB] [USB]
- Dooner's Hotel, [RB] [USB]
- <Mrs. Eiler's Restaurant>, HOMB/ALB
- Baked before your eyes <Fonzo's Italian Restaurant>, [TOB]
- The Gladstone 11th & Pine Sts., TAC
- A Scene in the Golden Dragon, 1526 Market Street, Philadelphia's most
beautiful Restaurant, [UB] [TOB]
- Green's Hotel-European-Eighth and Chestnut Streets, [TOF]
- Golden Swan, Mt. Airy, [RP]
- <Green Hill Farms>, ALB [sepia]