Churches- Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul
* = Removed by Donor
- Cathedral of S.S. Peter & Paul 18th & Race [inset portrait
of Archbishop Ryan], WPCC
- Catholic Cathedral, MNC No. 3909
- Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul, 18th and Race Streets, PCDC/CTC 15
- [same], CTC A-17126
- Catholic Cathedral, Eighteenth and Race Sts., <A759> [TOB]
- [same], <A759>
- Cathedral, PCUA [USB]
- St. Peter and St. Pauls Cathedral, ROC 1614 [TOB]
- R.C. Cathedral, 18th and Race Streets, LVC <214540>
- Catholic Cathedrals, No. 672
- Catholic Cathedral, 18th and Race Sts., <2316>
- R.C. Cathedral, 18th and Race Sts., HCLC No. 5492
- Roman Catholic Cathedral, SPCC <23619>[ad on back for M.J. Frizlen's
- R.C. Cathedral, 18th and Race Sts., HCLC No. 20066
- R.C. Cathedral St. Peters & St. Paul, MNC E9105 [RB] [USB]
- R.C. Cathedral, PPCC [RB]
- The Cathedral, Eighteenth and Race Streets, RTS No. 5114 "Philadelphia"
- The Cathedral of St Peter and St Paul...<No. 37> [RB] [USB]
- Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul, TAC [GB] [TOF]
- Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul, SHC/CTC 50 R-49392[EB] [TOB]
- [same], PCDC/CTC 50 R-49392 [EB] [TOB]
- [same], SHC <50> R-49392 [EB]
- Roman Catholic Cathedral, Centennial of Philadelphia's Diocese, April
8th 1908 [inset portrait of Pope Pius X and Archbishop Ryan], BPCC [RB]
- Cathedral Church, RC D277 [USB]
- <Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul>, RMM
- Cathedral Church, RC [RB] [USB]
- Cathedral of S.S. Peter & Paul (18th & Race Sts), WPCC [RB]
- Cathedral Church, NAVC <No. 277> [BB/RB] [USB]
- Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul, APCC <224> [BB/RB]
- Cathedral, St Peter & St. Paul, CNC No. 3686 [UB] [USB]
- Cathedral of S.S. Peter and Paul, JMJ [UB] [USB]
- [same], [RB/BB]
- Interior of Cathedral of S.S. Peter and Paul, JMJ [BB] [USB]
- Interior of Cathedral, 18th and Race Streets, ISPCC 9164
- Interior Cathedral St. Peter and St. Paul, CNC No. 080 [RB/BB] [USB]