Buildings-Real Estate Trust
* = Removed by Donor
- Real Estate Trust Co. and North American Building, IPCC 173-57
- Real Estate Trust Building, Girard-Betz Building, <106>
- The Real Estate Trust Co. Building, Broad and chestnut Sts, HCLC 25433
- The Real Estate Trust Building, <207>
- Real Estate Trust Co. and North American Building, IPCC <173-57>
- Real Estate Trust Building, Girard Building-Betz Building, PAPCC No.
406 [BB] [USB]
- Real Estate Trust Building, S.E. Cor. Broad and Chestnut Sts., EFC
<No. 47> 237 [UB] [USB]
- Real Estate Trust Building, <1011> [UB] [USB]
updated by BMC June 28, 2000