North Philadelphia
Wards 19, 32, 37 & 47 all cluster near North Broad Street, directly north of Poplar Street

B=Brick Bldg ; BB= Brick Back Bldg ; Ct=Court ; F=Frame Bldg ; FB=Frame Back Bldg ; G=Granite ; H=House or Dwelling ; I=Iron Bldg ; M=Marble ; S=Stone ; Rr=in the rear


Ward 37
Broad Street (East Side) 2215 Walter Wright et al. 15 x 151 3 B store - apart - 3 BB - 2 B garage on Watts $12,000
  2255 Morris L. Miller 20 x 151 3 B apart house $40,000
  S.W. cor. of Germantown Ave. & Erie Ave. Nicholas Hayes 235 x irreg. 3 B hotel - 3 & 2 BB - 3.5 B apt house - IF theatre $140,000
Ward 47
Broad Street (West Side) 1208-10 Anna W. Penfield 62 x 160 6 B apt house - 6 BB $175,000
  1536-38 Wm. H. Stehle 50 x 120 5 & 4 B apt house - BB $70,000


Ward 19
American Street (West Side) 1700 Andrew A. Cairns 15 x 67 3 & 2 BH & hotel $5,000
Ward 32
Broad Street (West Side) 2158 Philadelphia Brewing Co. 34 x 88 3 B hotel - 3 BB $24,000
Ward 37
Broad Street (East Side) 2421-23 Casper Vetter 80 x 160 3 B hotel - 3 BH - 2 BB - 3 B stable - 2 B stable & sheds $24,000
  2701 Margaret A. Thomas et al. 96 x 205 3 B hotel - 3 BB - B stable & sheds $44,000
  S.W. cor. of Germantown Ave. & Erie Ave. Nicholas Hayes 235 x irreg. 3 B hotel - 3 & 2 BB - 3.5 B apt house - IF theatre $140,000

url=apthotel/northphila.htm; last updated July 6, 2004, created by Linda Wisniewski, BMC '04