Table 2

The notation "do" is an abbreviation for "ditto," which is used in the original document to indicate that an entry is the same as the previous entry.
Boxes with dashes indicate that there was no entry made in the original census document.
Entries in the census were not originally numbered. They have been numbered here to facilitate navigation within and between tables.

Value of Property Amount paid for Rents Tax
No. How much Real Estate How much Incumbrance How much
personal property
of Tax
1 --- --- 165 --- 48 --- ---
2 --- --- 175 --- 92 --- .50
3 --- --- 240 --- 80 --- ---
4 --- --- 170 --- 60 --- ---
--- --- 50 --- 60 --- ---
6 --- --- 250 --- 85 --- ---
7 --- --- 100 --- 42 --- ---
8 --- --- 50 --- 30 --- ---
9 --- --- 125 --- 64 --- ---
10 --- --- 450 --- 72 --- .50
11 --- --- 115 --- 44 --- ---
12 --- --- 100 --- 36 --- ---
13 --- --- 40 --- 56 --- ---
14 --- --- 30 --- 34 --- ---
15 --- --- 125 --- 100 --- ---
16 --- --- 200 --- 90 --- ---
17 --- --- 300 --- 106 --- ---
18 --- --- 15 --- 24 --- ---
19 --- --- 35 --- 48 --- ---
20 --- --- 30 --- 36 --- ---
21 --- --- 150 --- 52 --- ---
22 --- --- 30 --- 24 --- ---
23 --- --- 125 --- 50 --- ---
24 --- --- 30 --- 32 --- ---
25 --- --- 50 --- 40 --- .50
26 --- --- 25 --- 28 --- ---
27 --- --- 50 --- 40 --- ---
28 --- --- 250 --- 48 --- ---
29 --- --- 25 --- 30 --- .50
30 --- --- 25 --- 30 --- ---
Totals --- --- 3525 --- 1581 --- 2.00