Oil Paintings
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We have combined the lists of oil paintings available elsewhere on this
site into a single comprehensive list of works in order to make specific
paintings easier to find. These images are otherwise organized by institution,
in collections from the Historical Society of
Pennsylvania (HSP), the American Philosophical
Society (APS), and the Philadelphia Museum of
Art (PMA). Each painting captures a nineteenth-century view of the
city of Philadelphia. We do not claim to present a comprehensive list of
local nineteenth century paintings, but rather an extensive sampling of
the type of such works which relates to the formation of a sense of place
for Philadelphia.
This list is organized by artist's name. For reference, the abbreviated
name of the institution holding each item appears before its accession
- Julius Bienegrauer, "Fairmount," 1867
13.25 x 16.25 in., APS acc. no. 1791, Rosengarten Collection #181
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- Thomas Birch, "Penn's Treaty Tree," c. 1880
39.25 x 50 in., canvas, HSP acc. no. 1924.1
- Thomas Birch, "Upper Ferry Bridge," 1813
28 x 41 in., canvas, HSP acc. no. 1944.1
- William Britton, "Market Square, Germantown," c. 1820
PMA collection: Gabrisch, acc. no. 1965-209-2
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- Colin Campbell Cooper, "Old Waterworks, Fairmount," 1913
PMA acc. no. 1936-50-1
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- Thomas Eakins, "Between Rounds," 1899
50.25 x 40 in., oil on canvas, PMA acc. no. 1929-184-16
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- Thomas Eakins, "The Fairman Rogers Four-in-Hand," 1879-80
23.75 x 36 in., oil on canvas, PMA acc. no. 1930-105-1
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- Thomas Eakins, "The Pair-Oared Shell," 1872
oil on canvas, PMA acc.no. 1929-184-35
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- William Groombridge, "Fairmount and Schuylkill River," 1800
25 x 36 in., canvas, HSP acc. no. 1913.3
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- Edwin S. Haley "Streetcar Travel During the Centennial,"
no date
42.5 x 54 in., canvas, HSP acc. no. 1919.10
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- J. Haviland, "The Pagoda and Labyrinth Gardens, near Fairmount
Water Works," no date
14.75 x 18 in., APS acc. no. 1797, Rosengarten Collection #141
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- J. Hoffman, "Upper Ferry on Schuylkill," no date
4.25 x 6.6 in., APS acc. no. 1752, Rosengarten Collection #50
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- August Köllner, "Bush Hill and Cholera Hospital," no
9.75 x 13.75 in., APS Rosengarten Collection #202
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- August Köllner, "South Philadelphia Waterfront," no
8.5 x 12 in., APS Rosengarten Collection #15
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- C. Kuchel and Thomas M. Scott, "Northern Liberties and Spring
Garden," no date
18 x 25 in. (framed), APS Rosengarten Collection #191
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- C.W. Peale, "Peale's First Museum," no date
4.5 x 6.875 in., APS
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- James Peale, "View of the Wissahickon," 1830
20 x 26.75, oil on canvas, PMA acc. no. 1964-210-2
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- A.G. Rosengarten, "Fairmount Waterworks," no date
12.5 x 17.5 in., APS
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- J. Shaw, "Landscape. Fairmount, View near Falls of Schuylkill,"
no date
13.75 x 10.5 in., APS acc. no. 1771, Rosengarten Collection #73
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- Thomas Henry Smith, "The Fairmount Waterworks," 1871
30.375 x 46.25 in., oil on canvas, PMA acc. no. 1966-4-1
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- Russel Smith, "The Court House, Second and Market," 1835
and 1887
12 x 18 in., canvas, HSP acc. no. 1000.56
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- William Strickland, "Christ Church," 1811
48 x 52 in., canvas, HSP acc. no. 1891.22
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- Artist Unknown, "An East Perspective View of the City of Philadelphia,"
no date
10.625 x 16.375 in., APS
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- Artist Unknown, "The Fruits of Arbitrary Power, or, the Bloody
Massacre," no date
11 x 8.375 in., APS
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- Artist Unknown, "Grey's Ferry," no date
4.75 x 7.4 in., APS acc. no. 1755, Rosengarten Collection #79
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- Artist Unknown, "Philadelphie," no date
17.25 x 25 in. (framed), APS Rosengarten Collection #20
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- Artist Unknown, "Tamany Fish House," no date
16.875 x 24.75 in., APS Rosengarten Collection #121
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- Artist Unknown, "Water Works, Center Square," 1815
HSP acc. no. 1000.50
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- William Winner, "The Pie Man," 1856
24 x 20 in., canvas, HSP acc. no. 1897.3
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- John A. Woodside, "Lemon Hill," 1807
20.375 x 26.625 in., canvas, HSP acc. no. 1000.5
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