Frederic Villiers
1852 - 1922


an Old Campaigner Goes to War Again

German prisoners escorted by British soldiers to a railway station
an illustration by F. d'Haenen from a sketch by Frederic Villiers

German pillaging a wine cellar
an illustration by F. d'Haenen from a sketch by Frederic Villiers

war correspondents at the front (Frederic Villiers is stepping down from the carriage)
an illustration by F. d'Haenen from a sketch by Frederic Villiers

Fake guns draw German artillery fire
an illustration by F. d'Haenen from a sketch by Frederic Villiers

French and Germans battle for possesion of a chateau
an illustration by Koekoeck from a sketch by Frederic Villiers

burning German dead after the battle of the Marne
an illustration by A. Michaels from a sketch by Frederic Villiers


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