Building Barricades in Paris


a birds-eye view of the fortified camp of Paris


Be it 1789, 1870, 1914 or 1968. Whenever war or insurrection threatens, up come the barricades in the streets of Paris. With the memory of the War of 1870 still in mind, the authorities were quick to start strengthening the defences of what they thought would soon be a besieged city. In the end, measures such as breaking up streets and cutting down trees proved to be unnecessary, but it was better to err on the side of caution rather than to be blamed for taking insufficient measures.

Here is a gallery of photos and illustrations from the early months of the war.


A color print showing a guard on sentry duty somewhere in Paris. Definetively what one would call a 'cushy' job.


An alternative destination for a Sunday outing


Building a trench near the Porte Maillot


