- Songs of the Great War
a printed handkerchief with the lyrics to 'Till
the Boys Come Home'
A Number
of Great War Songs
- This is a short and very
uncomplete listing of a number of songs
- that were popular during the
Great War or shortly afterwards.
- The titles are useful for
searches of the Internet for copies
- of original old recordings.
- Ada Jones - Good-Bye
Alexander 1918
- Al Bernard - What Has Become
of Hinky Dinky Parlay Voo ? 1924
- Albert Farrington - It's a
Long Way to Tipperary
- American Quartet with Billy
Murray - It's a Long Long Way to Tipperary 1914
- American Quartet with Billy
Murray - Keep You Head Down Fritzie Boy 1918
- Amparito Farrar - Madelon
- Arthur Fields - Good Morning
Mr. Zip-Zip-Zip 1918
- Arthur Fields - Goodbye
Broadway, Hello France 1917
- Arthur Fields - How Ya Gonna
Keep 'Em Down on the Farm ? 1919
- Arthur Fields - Hunting the
Hun 1918
- Arthur Fields - I Ain't Got
Weary Yet 1918
- Arthur Fields - Jim, Jim, I
Always Knew That You'd Win 1919
- Arthur Fields - Madelon 1918
- Arthur Fields - Oh! Frenchy
- Arthur Fields - Oui, Oui,
Marie 1918
- Arthur Fields - Over There
- Arthur Fields - The Yanks
Started Yankin' 1918
- Arthur Fields - We Stopped
Them at the Marne 1918
- Arthur Fields - We'll Knock
the Heligo into Heligo Out of Heligoland 1918
- Arthur Fields - Would You
Rather Be a Colonel 1918
- Arthur Fields - You Can't
Beat Us 1918
- Billy Murray - America, I
Love You 1916
- Billy Murray - Cheer Up Liza
- Billy Murray - Goodbye
Broadway, Hello France 1917
- Billy Murray - Hinky Dinky
Parlay Voo 1924
- Billy Murray - K-K-K-Katy
- Billy Murray - Let's All Be
Americans Now 1917
- Billy Murray - My Dream of
the Big Parade 1926
- Billy Murray - Now I'll Have
to Raise of My Own 1914
- Billy Murray - Oh Johnny, Oh
Johnny Oh 1917
- Billy Murray - Oui Oui, Marie
- Billy Murray - Over There
- Billy Murray - Sister Suzie's
Sewing Shirts for Soldiers 1914
- Billy Murray - The Dixie
Volunteers 1918
- Billy Murray - The Further it
is from Tipperary 1918
- Billy Murray - The Last Long
Mile 1918
- Billy Murray - The War In
Snider's Grocery Store 1915
- Billy Murray - The Yanks Are
At It Again 1918
- Billy Murray - U.S. Army Camp
Songs 1917
- Billy Murray - War Song
Medley 1915
- Billy Murray - When I Get
Back to the USA 1919
- Billy Murray - When Tony Goes
Over the Top 1918
- Byron G. Harlan with the
Peerless Quartet - Long Boy 1918
- Charles Harrison - Send Me a
Curl 1917
- Charles Hart & Elliott
Shaw - Rose of No Man's Land 1919
- Charles Hart & Lewis
James - Till We Meet Again 1919
- Courtland & Jeffries -
- Edna Thornton - Your King and
Your Country Want You 1914
- Enrico Caruso - Over There
- Frank C Stanley - Just Before
the Battle, Mother 1898
- Frederick Wheeler - Keep the
Home Fires Burning 1915
- Frederick Wheeler - Wake Up
America 1916
- George Ballard - America,
Here's My Boy
- George Ballard - There's a
Long Long Trail a Winding 1916
- Golden & Heins - The
Colored Recruits 1918
- Harry Lauder - Don't Let Us
Sing Anymore About War 1919
- Harry Lauder - Granny's
Laddie 1918
- Henry Burr - Au Revoir, But
Not Good-Bye, Soldier Boy 1918
- Henry Burr - Don't Take My
Darling Boy Away 1915
- Henry Burr - Goodbye France
- Henry Burr - Good-Bye, Good
Luck, God Bless You 1916
- Henry Burr - Hello Central !
Give Me No Man's Land
- Henry Burr - Joan of Arc 1917
- Henry Burr - Somewhere in
France is a Lily
- Henry Burr - Stay Down Here
Where You Belong 1915
- Henry Burr - The Battle In
the Air 1918
- Henry Burr - The Makin's of
the U.S.A. 1918
- Henry Burr - Wake Up, America
- Henry Burr - When My Ship
Comes In 1915
- Henry Burr - While You're
- Henry Burr & Campbell -
Till We Meet Again 1919
- Imperial Marimba Band -
General Pershing March 1918
- Irving Berlin - Oh How i Hate
to Get Up in the Morning
- Irving Kaufman - Look What My
Boy Got In France
- Jack Norworth - The Further
It is from Tipperary 1918
- Jaudas Society Orchestra - Oh
Johnny, Oh Johnny Oh 1917
- John McCormack - Keep the
Home Fires Burning 1917
- John McCormack - Roses of
- John McCormack - There's a
Long Long Trail a Winding
- Jolly Good Fellows - A Lovely
War, Mademoiselle From Armentieres
- Lucy Isabelle Marsh - Just
A-Wearyin' For You 1916
- Marion Harris - Au Revoir But
Not Goodbye Soldier Boy
- Marion Harris - Good-Bye
Alexander, Good-Bye Honey Boy 1918
- Murray Johnson - Pack Up Your
- New York Military Band -
National Airs of the Allies 1918
- Noble Sissile - All of
No-Man's Land is Ours
- Nobile Sissile - Dixie is
Dixie Once More
- Nobile Sissile - My Chocolate
Soldier Sammy Boy
- Nobile Sissile - On Patrol in
No-Man's Land
- Nora Bayes - A Little Bit of
Sunshine 1918
- Nora Bayes - Are You
Prepaired for Summer ? 1916
- Nora Bayes - Good-Bye France
- Nora Bayes - How Ya Gonna
Keep 'Em Down On The Farm ?
- Nora Bayes - Over There 1917
- Nora Bayes - Regretful Blues
- Nora Bayes - The Greatest
Battle Song of All 1916
- Nora Bayes - The Man Who Put
the Germ in Germany 1918
- Peerless Quartet - America,
Here's My Boy 1917
- Peerless Quartet - Au Revoir
But Not Goodbye Soldier Boy 1918
- Peerless Quartet - Darling
Nellie Gray 1917
- Peerless Quartet - For Your
Country and My Country 1917
- Peerless Quartet - Good
Morning Mr. Zip-Zip-Zip 1918
- Peerless Quartet - I Ain't
Got Weary Yet 1918
- Peerless Quartet - I May Stay
Away a Little Longer 1918
- Peerless Quartet - I'm Gonna
Pin My Medal on the Girl I Left Behind 1918
- Peerless Quartet - Keep the
Trench Fires Going for the Boys Out There 1918
- Peerless Quartet - Liberty
Bell 1918
- Peerless Quartet - Over There
- Peerless Quartet - So Long,
Mother 1917
- Peerless Quartet - The
Submarine Attack Somewhere at Sea 1918
- Peerless Quartet - We Don't
Want the Bacon (What We Want is a Piece of the Rhine)
- Peerless Quartet - We'll Do
Our Share, Will You ? 1918
- Peerless Quartet - We're All
Going Calling On the Kaiser 1918
- Peerless Quartet - We're
Going Over 1918
- Peerless Quartet - When I
Send You a Picture of Berlin 1918
- Peerless Quartet - While
You're Away 1919
- Peerless Quartet with Henry
Burr - Merrily We'll Roll Along 1918
- Peter Dawson - Roses of
- Prince's Band - General
Pershing March 1918
- Reinald Werrenrath - Pack Up
Your Troubles 1917
- Reinald Werrenrath - The
Americans Come ! 1919
- Richard Tauber - Roses of
- Rosa Ponselle - Keep the Home
Fires Burning
- Vernon Dalhart & Gladys
Rice - Till We Meet Again 1918

British soldiers
being treated to a road-side song
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