Lucien Jonas : Pathos, Patriotism & Religion

1880 - 1947


8 Illustrations from 'La Guerre Documantée'

Why Are We Fighting ?

'So That Our Sons Do Not Know the Horrors of War'

'So That We Shall Not Have to Wear This Uniform'


Lucien Jonas apparently held strong moral convictions on the rightness of the cause of France and was not loathe to portray such in his art. This is an 8 piece series of illustrations in which Jonas set out 8 compelling reasons 'Why We Fight'. The accompanying drawings are intended to hammer home the point. In our present day and age, such illustrations seem appear quite emotional and overstated, but at the time they must have struck a sympathetic chord in the hearts of many a Frenchman.

*see 'In the Occupied Territories'


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