Ons Prentenboek


A Belgian Edition of 'Krieg dem Kriege'

Cover page


The following scans are taken from a 1924 Flemish-Belgian edition of 'Krieg dem Kriege'. The cheaply printed booklet was an edited and abridged version of Ernst Friedrich's original book also containing several illustrations not found in the German editions. The Belgian booklet - 'Ons Prentenboek' - 'Our Picturebook' - was published by the Antwerp Local of the Socialist Workers Union and was primarily intedended for educating children with anti-militaristic values. The introduction advises parents and children to study the illustrations together carefully, in order to instill in young minds a deep and permenant hatred of warfare. While the editor cautions that the images in this booklet are deeply disturbing, he argues that since war is the greastest evil to beset mankind, one must therefore not flinch from using the most drastic remedies to combat that evil. From a sampling of the illustrations, it is evident that nothing was toned down in order to spare young sensibilities.

In addition to showing the evil and horrors of modern warfare, the booklet is edited with an anti-clerical slant as well. This being a 1920's Socialist Workers Union publication, it could almost not be otherwise.


'Peace on Earth' - 'To All Mankind a Feeling of Contendedness'
Priests blessing the slaughter

Ernst Friederich Urging German Soldiers to Revolt




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