Books for the Troops



Here is a collection of cover pages of a series of French novels ostensibly intended for the gallant soldiers of the armies of France. Of course such books have been pubished in Paris since time immemorial, war or no war. Nevertheless it is interesting to note the appeal to patriotism.

Several covers : "The Last Don Juan' and 'Hunting for Love". Typical titles of light-hearted romantic novelettes published in Paris.
One gets the impression that the patriotic slogan 'Pour distraire nos Poilus' (As entertainment for our Soldiers)
was added after the war started, and that otherwise publication continued much as before.

(left) Advertisement on the back page / (right) Line drawing on an inside page


(translation of advertisement) : "What do our soldiers at the Front need as entertainment ? ...
Amusing and honest to goodness French, Gallic books !
And so dear soldier, here is something of good cheer and laughter !
To help you pass some light-hearted moments, 'La Librarie des Romans choisis' is publishing its
Collection Gauloise
of which the magnificent and carefully illustrated editions will be published twice monthly at the unbelievable price of
60 centimes.
May your parents and friends, so concerned about your moral well-being as well as about your physical health, bring you a few moments of sweet and healthy comedy by sending you as soon as possible several of the following titles : "

