Ons Volk Ontwaakt


A Flemish Nationalist Publication

2 Belgian Catholic chaplins who served with distinction




'Ons Volk Ontwaakt' (Our Nation Awakes) like many other Belgian magazines, suspended publication during the war years. Resuming publication in June 1919, like many others, 'Ons Volk Ontwaakt' devoted a large portion of its pages to articles on the war. This magazine was however a Catholic, nationalistic Flemish publication and consequently had a difficult time steering a patriotically acceptable course in victorious post-war Belgium. On the one hand the magazine was catholic, therefore staunchly anti-Bolshevist and anti-socialist, but also nationalistic Flemish which usually went hand in hand with seperatist sentiments, a completely unacceptible course in Belgium at the time, Flemish seperatism being equated with pro-Germanism. Consequently the magazine is not so much a newsmagazine than a never ending editorial on Catholic Flemish nationalist aspirations. A confusing and complicated issue to be sure. The articles relating to the Great War are just as editorially and ideologically slanted


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