La Guerre en Images
Illustrations from French Children's Magazines
page 5 in the story of 'Heroic Belgium'
After the war in 1927, a series of pages that were published in various children's magazines and newspapers from 1914 till 1918 were published in one large compilation book of images. These pages covered all manner of war topics and events and were drawn on a day to day basis, reflecting therefore the importance placed upon events as they occured. This made for an eclectic collection of illustrated pages, varied in subject matter. The illustrations themselves were somewhat simplistic in style, but nevertheless clearly rendered and evidently based upon photographic material.
We give here a number of illustrations from this collection that show events pertaining to the siege of Antwerp. Above is the integral page of drawings and following are a number of enlargements.
*see also other illustrations from the same book : 'Heroic Belgium in French Children's Books'
Civilian refugees heading for the fortified city of Antwerp