Canadians in the Great War
This is all I could find right now on Canada. Any suggestions are welcome. E-mail me with any and all suggestions you have.
National Archives of Canada's searchable database of members of the Canadian Expeditionary Force - put in a name and get a regimental no. - and with a little hunting you can order the Attestation Papers of that individual right then and there!
- THE BANTAMS: The Untold Story Of World War One
- Book of Remembrance - Excellent link for finding the Canadian casualty lists for the Great War.
- Canadian Genealogy and History Links - Exhaustive site on everything on the Canadian Empire Forces throughout history, magazines, articles, links and on and on.
- The Canadian Great War Homepage Canada's Role in World War I. 1914 - 1918. An overview of Canada's role in this terrible conflict which cost the lives of more than 56,500 Canadian soldiers.
- Canadian Veterans Remember - in Real Audio
Canadian War Museum
Catholics of NS in WW1 Catholics of the Diocese of Antigonish, And The Great War 1914-1919. Nominal Enlistment Rolls by Parishes, St. Francis Xavier University Press.
"For King and Country" Stanley I. Hillier and the Newfoundland Royal Naval Reserve
- Famous Canadian War Memorials
- Jack Turners War - 1914-1918
- Internment of Ukrainians in Canada 1914-1920
- Newfoundland and the Great War - interdisciplinary conference held on November 12-14, 1998 at Memorial University of Newfoundland.
- Princes Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry
- Robb's Genealogy Resources Includes World War I Canadian Infantry and Cavalry Index.
Harry Palmer Gallery Toronto, Ottawa & Montreal War Memorials Gallery - 1988 - 1990
Remembrance Day - Poems, songs and casualty lists for Canada
The Significance of Remembrance Day - Essay on Remembrance Day and John McCrae's poem.
Trenches on the Web - Special: The Second Battle of Ypres, April-1915
Veterans Affairs Canada Recognizing and honouring the sacrifices of Canada's veterans and all Canadian citizens during war. Canadian Military Medals and Decorations, Mission and Mandate, The Carillon newsletter and Commerations.
War Memorials The pages linked here honour those who sacrificed their lives serving their countries and humanity during war and in peace - especially in peacekeeping. It is intended to be a place to honour the memories, the sacrifices, and the loss.
We Remember Honoring those who fought for Canada in the First World War (1914-1918), the Second World War (1939-1945) and the Korean War (1950-1953).
We Will Remember - List of all Canadian War Memorials
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Wednesday, December 02, 1998 03:17:19 PM