ggn information systems 
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Photo of the

April 2004

(click on map for full network proposal)

(Click here for route information)
A Proposal
To improve the quality of existing educational television, and to make new services
available to the educational institutions and organizations in the Northeast
by means of a permanent microwave interconnection system.
Submitted by
The Eastern Educational Network
July, 1964

In 1960  an organization know as the Eastern Education Network was formed,
 it was incorporated in 1961.  The two founding stations, WGBH Boston and WENH in Durham NH, 
were interconnected via off-air pickup.  The two would soon link via a two-way microwave relay system.
At this time (1964), there are eight ETV stations linked by off-air pickup and microwave relay, 
while exchanging programs with four other member stations by mail.  
The non-interconnected stations are  Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Buffalo and Washington.
The links to Montreal were never constructed.
The Eastern Educational Network would eventually become American Public Televison,
which pre-dates the Public Broadcasting Service by eight years.

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