Track link types for VVSS
Unless noted otherwise,
all track links are of the outside guide, rubber bushed double pin type.
Type |
Description of composition |
(approx.) |
Rubber tread
width: 16"; pitch: 6"; pin
diameter: 1-1/8" |
T41 |
Flat reversible rubber tread.
Note the grouser with three
side ribs for the T41 track (part no. C84981). Grousers can be clamped
onto the track by inserting their studs in the holes at the end of the
track pins. Not all track types had holes for grousers.
Grousers were meant to be
fitted to flat rubber block tracks, but can be found in use on other track
types as well. Possibly the two basic types were available in 2 subtypes
according to whether they were fitted to reversible or non-reversible tracks. |
61 lbs/ft.
4800 lbs/
2 strands |
Rubber Standard
WE210 |
Non-reversible rubber tread
with 'double I' pattern. Officially listed as 'Rubber Standard' but better
known by its part number WE210 (being an assembly of four track links).
Made for the Commonwealth Armies, fitted to Grant and Ram tanks. |
63 lbs/ft.
5000 lbs/
2 strands |
Rubber tread
width: 16-9/16"; pitch:
6"; pin diameter: 1-1/4" |
T48 |
Chevron rubber tread. This
link was the longest in production of the rubber tread types, as post-war
production T48 tracks with wide guide horn connectors have been spotted. |
79 lbs/ft.
6280 lbs/
2 strands |
T51 |
Flat non-reversible rubber
tread. Replacement of T41, tread with thicker rubber to prolong track life.
Note the grouser with one
side rib for the T51 track (part no. D48082). |
79 lbs/ft.
6300 lbs/
2 strands |
Steel tread
width: 16-9/16"; pitch:
6"; pin diameter: 1-1/4" |
T49 |
Straight steel tread, cast
steel links (looks like T47E1).
Ram tanks: supplied as spare
Note: a variation of this
type of track has been spotted on an ex-British Sherman V fitted with T49
track. It is constructed like the T54E1, but instead of a chevron, it has
three bars welded on the tread plate. Thus it looks like T49 track, but
it is not. |
96 lbs/ft.
7560 lbs/
2 strands |
T54E1 |
Chevron steel tread, composite
welded links.
Note: see under T49. |
96 lbs/ft.
7600 lbs/
2 strands |
'cuff design'
T54E2 |
Chevron steel tread (composite
welded links?). First steel tread link, known as 'cuff design' (later designated
T54E2). Designed and manufactured by Chrysler. First fitted to Shermans
on 01-10-'42. Replaced by a 'rolled section track' (originated by Mr. Weckler)
in the Spring of 1943. |
96 lbs/ft. |
T56 |
Straight steel tread, composite
bolted links (looks like T47). |
T56E1 |
Chevron steel tread, composite
bolted links (notches in chevron to accommodate bolts).
Note: both T56 and T56E1
seem to be based on rubber block track links. The frame of the rubber block
link is not cast in rubber, but clad with a straight and chevron steel
tread, respectively. The tread plates are fastened with three square-headed
bolts. |
T62 |
Chevron steel tread, composite
rivetted links. |
Steel tread
width: 16-9/16"; pitch:
6"; pin diameter: 1-7/16" |
A.S.F. |
Straight steel tread, hollow
cast steel link. Limited use only.
Ram tanks: supplied as spare
only. |
99 lbs/ft.
7835 lbs/
2 strands |
Steel tread
and rubber top links
width: 16-9/16"; pitch:
6"; pin diameter: 1-1/4" |
T47 |
Straight steel tread (three
square dimples between bars), rubber top. |
T47E1 |
Straight steel tread (recession
between bars), rubber top. |
T74 |
Chevron steel tread, rubber
Spotted in post-war use
with wide guide horn end connectors. |
Cast steel links
width: 15-1/2"; pitch: 4.6";
pin diameter: 13/16" |
C.D.P. |
Canadian Dry Pin. Skeleton
type, cast manganese steel links with three/four track pin lugs, each connected
with a single dry (unlubricated) silicon manganese steel pin. Fitted to
standard VVSS system with a different 17-toothed sprocket, 102-103 links
per track.
Fitted to Sexton II SP Gun
(though many of those in use with the British Army seem to have been retrofitted
with US track) and Grizzly tank. |
58 lbs/ft.
4600 lbs/
2 strands |