before the battle of Bergen (19/9)
18 September 1799
Composed by Geert van Uythoven
York, Frederick August, Duke of York and Albany
in Chief of the combined Anglo-Russian army in Holland
Commander of the artillery: Major General Tarringdon
Quartermaster-General: Colonel Anstruther
ADVANCE GUARD 1) (Major-General Knox)[1,730]
Battalion grenadiers
Battalion light infantry
1ST DIVISION (Lieutenant-General
Ralph Abercromby)
1st Guards Brigade
(Major-General Doyley)
Guard Grenadiers Battalion (Colonel Wynyard; Lt-Col Morris)
3rd bat/1st Regiment Guards (Colonel Frederick Maitland; Lt-Cols Cook, Dawkins, Lake, and Smollet)
2nd Guards Brigade
(Major-General Sir Harry Burrard)
1st bat/2nd Regiment Guards (Lt-Col Cunningham)
1st bat/3rd Regiment Guards (Lt-Col Murray)
1st Brigade
(Major-General Eyre Coote)
2nd Regiment Foot
(Sir George Ramsey Dalhousie)
27th Regiment Foot (Lt-Col Thomas Graham)
29th Regiment Foot
85th Regiment Foot
2nd Brigade (Major-General
Sir John Moore)
2nd bat/1st Regiment Foot
25th Regiment Foot (Colonel John Hope)
49th Regiment Foot
1st bat/79th Regiment Foot (Colonel Alan Cameron)
1st bat/92nd Regiment Foot (Col Marquis of Huntley; Lt-Col Cameron)
2ND DIVISION (Lieutenant-General
Sir James Murray Pulteney)
3rd Brigade
(Major-General Don)
1st bat/17th Regiment Foot (Colonel Brent Spencer)
2nd bat/17th Regiment Foot
1st bat/40th Regiment Foot
2nd bat/40th Regiment Foot
4th Brigade
(Major-General the Earl of Cavan)
1st bat/20th Regiment Foot (Lt-Col George Smith)
2nd bat/20th Regiment Foot (Lt-Col Philip Bainbridge)
63rd Regiment Foot
5th Brigade
(Colonel MacDonald)
23rd Regiment Foot
55th Regiment Foot
3RD DIVISION (Lieutenant-General
Sir David Dundas)
6th Brigade
(Major-General Sir John Pitt, Earl of Chatham)
1st bat/4th Regiment Foot (Lt-Col Hodgson) [594]
2nd bat/4th Regiment Foot (Lt-Cols Dickson, and Cholmondley) [541]
3rd bat/4th Regiment Foot [540]
31st Regiment Foot [794]
7th Brigade
(Major-General Frederick William, Duke of Gloucester)
1st bat/5th Regiment Foot (Lt-Col Stephenson) [386]
2nd bat/5th Regiment Foot [466]
1st bat/35th Regiment Foot (Lt-Col Oswald) [607]
2nd bat/35th Regiment Foot [614]
8th Brigade
(Major-General Manners)
1st bat/9th Regiment Foot [624]
2nd bat/9th Regiment Foot (Lt-Col Crew) [625]
56th Regiment Foot [676]
ARTILLERY [474] 3rd Battalion (detachment)
4th Battalion
CAVALRY BRIGADE (Colonel Lord Henry
William Paget)
4 sq/7th Regiment Light Dragoons (Colonel Lord Henry William Paget)
4 sq/11th Regiment Light Dragoons [540]
2 sq/18th Regiment Light Dragoons (Lt-Col Stewart)
A-Troop Horse Artillery [342]
69th Regiment Foot
(including 180 Russians)
Commander in Chief of the Russian troops: Lieutenant-General Ivan
Ivanowitch Hermann
Commander of the artillery: Major-General Kaptzévitch
1ST DIVISION (Lieutenant-General
Petr Nikolaevich Jérebtzov)
Brigade Suthoff
1st Jégerski (Jäger) of Suthoff (1 battalion) [376]
Tavritcheski Grenadiers (Rgt of
Benckendorf; 2 battalions) [1,516]
Tobolski Musketeers (Rgt of Fersen; 2 battalions) [1,542]
Regimental artillery [144] 3)
Field artillery of Captain Dournovo (1 company, 8 guns) [101]
Brigade Emmé
Fanagoriiski Grenadiers (Rgt of
Jérebtzov; 2 battalions) [1,551]
Comb. Grenadiers: Bat. ‘Ericsson’ (1 battalion) [622] 4)
Regimental artillery [177] 3)
Field artillery (Battalion Kaptzévitch; 1 company, 8 guns) [305]
Life Guard Hussars of Lt-Col Sladkoff (1 squadron) [71]
Life Guard Cossacks (1 squadron) [45]
Leib-Sotnia of the Ural Cossacks (1 squadron) [62]
Company Pioneers of Captain Dreyer (1 company) [125]
2ND DIVISION (Major-General Ivan
(Magnus Gustav) Nikolaevich Essen-I)
Brigade Arbénev
1st Jégerski of Suthoff (1 battalion) [368]
Dniéprovski Musketeers (Rgt Arbénev; 2 battalions) [1,546]
Comb. Grenadiers: Battalion ‘Strick’ (1 battalion) [627] 4)
Regimental artillery [142] 3)
Field artillery of Lt-Col Dournovo (1 company, 8 guns) [222]
Brigade Sedmoratzki
Bélozerski Musketeers (Rgt of
Sedmoratzki; 2 battalions) [1,576]
Comb. Grenadiers: Battalion ‘Ossipov’ (1 battalion) [643] 4)
Comb. Grenadiers: Battalion ‘Timoféev’ (1 battalion) [633] 4)
Regimental artillery [123] 3)
Life Guard Hussars of Lt-Col Gladki (1 squadron) [45]
Life Guard Don Cossacks (1 squadron) [25]
Company Pioneers of Captain Dreyer (detachment) [54]
Composed of the flank companies of six infantry regiments.
Mainly based on Miliutin (Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky), “Geschichte des Krieges Rußlands
mit Frankreich unter der Regierung Kaiser Paul’s I im Jahre 1799” V. Bd., VII
Theil (München 1858) [nach dem Russischen Originale in’s Deutsche übertragen
vor Chr. Schmitt] pp.275-276.
Each infantry battalion was accompanied by regimental artillery; one gun for
each jager battalion, two guns for each grenadier- or musketeer battalion.
According to Miliutin the Russian regimental artillery had a total of 36 guns.
The combined grenadier battalions were named after their commander:
1. Battalion of Lt-Col Ericsson
2. Battalion of Lt-Col Mitiouchin
3. Battalion of Lt-Col Ogarev
4. Battalion of Lt-Col Ossipov
5. Battalion of Lt-Col Strick ("Strik"/”Shtrik”)
6. Battalion of Lt-Col Timoféev
Their composition was as follows:
1. Grenadier companies of the Compte Elmpt (ex-General Arkharov)
Musketeers and Iéletzki Musketeers.
2. Grenadier companies of the Pavlovski Grenadiers and Bélozerski
3. Grenadier companies of the Kozlovski Musketeers and Schlusselbourgski
4. Grenadier companies of the Sofiiski Musketeers and Tchernigovski
5. Grenadier companies of the Tavritcheski Grenadiers and St.
Péterbourgski Grenadiers.
6. Grenadier companies of the Dniéprovski Musketeers and Tobolski
Order of Battle has been composed out of numerous sources, although for the
Russian Milliutin has mainly been used. For an extensive list of the sources
used, see pp.175-181 of my book about this campaign, “Voorwaarts, Bataven! De
Engels-Russische invasie van 1799” (Zaltbommel 1999) ISBN 90 288 1427 2.
© Geert van Uythoven