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The purpose of the Virtual Patch Library is to document, in a single forum, the history and memorabilia of the OA lodges, Boy Scout councils and Scout Camps that have merged over the years to form the current lodge, council and camps. The site was created, written and managed for many years by Scott Kuzma, with a strong emphasis on Sukawit Lodge 2. During that time, the site enjoyed considerable expansion. Eventually, for a variety of reasons, Scott left and further development stopped. Around 2003, we were able to add Scott's pages to the Central New Jersey Council website as a separate entity. The Council website started around 1995 as the George Washington Council, one of the first Scout sites on the web. Then, in 1999 expanded to become the Central New Jersey Council website. Because of its early beginnings, the website tends to be more hierarchical, somewhat rambling, and considerably less visual than the Virtual Patch Library. The chapter about the George Washington Council traces its evolution back to when Trenton Troop 1 was organized in 1910. The chapter about the Thomas A. Edison Council traces its evolution back to when New Brunswick Council was formed in 1916. In 2004, Council made the decision to maintain its own website and the former website continued as the Council Historical Site. The prime motivation for the change was a National Scout edict that all Councils must own their own site. Finally, in 2010, the Virtual Patch Library was fully integrated with the former Council site. There is a short section, just for fun, about some non-council camps located either within, or close to, the current Central New Jersey Council. I invite you to suggest other camps that merit further research. Currently, the Library collection has more than 640 entries - patches, flaps, neckerchiefs, odds and ends. This site is the result of many hundreds of hours of work by many generous persons. Permission is granted to use the images and information on the site for non-profit purposes only, with appropriate citation. Use of such material for profit (specifically including their resale on any other media or use on a website to which access is sold for a fee) without express written permission is expressly and strictly forbidden. This site is an ongoing project, with no hope of ever being completed. Please email any additions, corrections or images. All assistance toward improving this site is appreciated. Use of the personal pronoun and the initials jos, unless noted otherwise, refers to your kindly, loveable webmaster and long time scouter.
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