Naraticong 1995 Patch Naraticong 1995 Hat Pin Naraticong 1995 Jacket Patch
Naraticong 1995 Patch error   Naraticong 1995 Jacket Patch error

Conclave 1995 Patch Set
Narraticong 9 Lodge

Conclave Row 3, all columns
Area Issue Bdr R/C Bkg Name fdl www Year
Area-2B P GRY R GRY none GRY RED 1995
Area-28 P GRY R GRY none GRY RED 1995
Area-2C HP GRY --- GRY none GRY RED 1995
Area-2B J GRY R GRY none GRY RED 1995
Area-28 J GRY R GRY none GRY RED 1995

Pa. NE-2B, 105x135mm Twill Triangle w/loop, PB
Pb. NE-28, 105x135mm Twill Triangle w/loop, PB, ERROR
HP: hat pin of patch
Pa. NE-2B, 198x222mm Twill Triangle w/loop, PB
Pb. NE-28, 198x222mm Twill Triangle w/loop, PB, ERROR

all items courtsey of David Oertle