Some Past Council
Scouting Activities

Air Scouts
Band Scouts
Mounted Scouts
Sea Scouts
Trail of the Air
Scouting Trail
Camp Rotary
Toad Hollow
Early history
Roebling Yacht
First Boy Scout
Kiwanis Club

This is a collection of newspaper articles from the deep, dark recesses of the Trenton Evening Times archives. I acknowledge and thank the Trenton Times, and its publisher Richard Bilotti, for their patience and their assistance while Rosemary and I were researching the archives. Mr. Bilotti expressed his great interest in making the history of Scouting in the Trenton area available to everyone.

As this section has grown, material from the Trentonian newspaper and the Trentoniana Room of the Trenton Public Library has been added. The best way to read this section is to wander through the pages at random.
